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Everything posted by Greyson

  1. I have limited amounts of time to play, and do not always have access to internet when I do - so I like to make as much progress as I can when I have both. I don't watch the rankings, since I don't really care about them, but I will try just waiting a bit and seeing if that makes things easier.
  2. That might be your experience, but I have gotten multiple crap match-ups in a row. I don't know about you, but to me, making progress only to have it snatched away - or having to spend a bunch of a limited resource to prevent that from happening - is the opposite of fun.
  3. Seasons have started to become really annoying. My girls are at max level, my stats are advanced as far as I can get them, I have the biggest temporary boosts that I can get - and I still often have to spend resources to avoid impossible match-ups. It wouldn't be so bad if spending resources to refresh the matches guaranteed getting one that I could win. With the old setup, the matches would time out and refresh on their own - but now you are stuck with a set of matches until you either pay to refresh (which can still give you unusable matches) or just accept mojo losses. In the old setup, mojo losses were no big deal - since they only affected ranking, which I care nothing about. Now, however, losing mojo affects getting things in-game and it is really pissing me off.
  4. When they changed the whole game, it would have been nice if they could have included an in-game guide to explain how things work. 1. Why is there a level cap on the chapter and is there a way to raise it? 2. Why does everything reset when you change chapters? I never liked the transcendence option in the old version, because of the reset, but resets are being forced on us now every time we change chapters now - it's a sucky mechanic. 3. Why did they change things to begin with? I was generally satisfied with how it worked before - I'm just glad now that I have not spent any money on it.
  5. I also had this issue. I have never had to register for the League event before, so why is it suddenly a thing?
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