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  1. Okay thanx, went to the boss fight. Only thing that drops is the 3,500. Checking girl drops is good to know.
  2. I must have missed Beach Eugeine last time. But I was looking through my harem, I already have a Summer Red Battler. Is this another version of her or the same one...can I skip going for her and focus on fighting Roko instead?
  3. Thanks for commenting. I'll try this select a specific girl last. Like I'll skip Bunny at the top of list and collect everyone's cash, then scroll back up to her and get her money last. I noticed the last girl I upgraded, it scrolled right to her (Metal Noemy).
  4. I know it's not my mouse from all night web surfing. But I click on harem to collect the cash. It takes a second for the girls to load. But then it starts scrolling down the list on it's own. I use the mouse wheel to scroll up, and fight with it for a second. Then I get control of it again. Not sure if this happens to other players. But wanted to point it out. Haven't had this issue in the past.
  5. I've had her for a short time. But after leveling her to her max affection, I left the image on the final stage. Tonight I got tired of seeing that image while collecting the cash, and dropped her down to the second one. I hope at some point that her artwork gets updated. Anyone else have that one girl that isn't your fav, but wish her art was a little better?
  6. I wasn't able to get the last epic girl. the one that looked like Morrigan. But I got lucky and got Norou. I wish I could trade her for the other though.
  7. I got Noomye so far. Still working on the other girls to drop. My main goal was to get the boss, Roko, to his lvl cap of 290 which I achieved after getting the 2 event girls, Cave Maika & Future Laverne.
  8. That could be it, I'll have to test that when I get off work tonight and the next set of missions open up.
  9. Well, I just wanted to point it out because this hasn't happened to me before, and I've been playing for nearly a year now. It only started to happen a couple times with this current event. The 10+ minute missions is where I kinda noticed but didn't pay attention to it until I got to the 4 minute ones.
  10. I'm using chrome browser. I have a tab open for this game. I open another tab and do other stuff. In the game I go to the activities and select one, and go back to the other tab (was looking up family history, food dishes, and other things). Few minutes later I come back to check if it is done. But the timer freezes when I switch away from the tab. I selected a 4 minute mission and it stayed at 2:40. I went back to the home screen of the game and it showed the mission was complete. So as for this event, I can't leave the missions screen open and trust to know when they're finished. Not sure if it's my computer or if it's happening for others as well.
  11. When the update that gave bosses a chance to level up. I think I saw the post for what their max levels were. I'm curious on what the new boss, Roko Sensei, just what his max level is. Will it be the same as Finalmecia at lvl 260. Was there a post on this made I didn't see.
  12. Yeah I think I posted a thread or commented on one saying the same thing. Maybe a conversion of 10-20 energy to 1 battle points or something like that.
  13. Glad I'm not the only one who knows who this girl is based off of. I'm with you too, I'd like to get a Lilith or B.B.Hood in the future.
  14. Have to say, I'm gonna like this for the next couple days. Woke up and saw I can press collect for free. Makes collecting 152K a lot easier and faster.
  15. I'm sure everyone notices that when a event happens the town changes. We all see the shadow people running around doing stuff. But usually there are some shadow people having sex somewhere on the map. I noticed this time around nobody is humping like bunnies, no tit or blowjobs, and not even a single male/female handjob to be seen. Everyone is playing around, relaxing, or drinking. Two girls are slinging away their tops (girl by the battle tab, girl by the market tab). Yeah it may seem dumb to notice these little things, but I still wanted to point it out to others.
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