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  1. Exactly, this system seems turned upside down, together with the Clubs he's such a reverse Robin Hood - taking the poor and giving to the rich. Just my observation.
  2. No, I only have a Silver Monthly Card for Kobans.
  3. Eufigenie

    Fair Game?

    Will this game ever be fair or will it be forever pay to win? The clubs and the new Tower of Fame scoring system are created purely to support rich players who don't mind spending huge amounts of money. I think I am not alone who is disappointed when I am 1st in the Tower of Fame for the first 5 days and on the 6th day I am overtaken by a player who suddenly has 600 points more than me in one hour. Combined with the fact that all the events end for the European players at 4 AM or 5 AM and I am always overtaken by someone from Mexico or the USA it is simply depressing. This game is great and I do not want to sound negative, but the current system just bit by bit destroying the joy of playing. Of course I also spend money on this game, but unfortunately I can't invest as much as richer players. Long live Google Translate
  4. 2 legendary events and 0 girls? Is it pay to play? And without paying anything I will not get it? I've already invested quite a bit in this game, but I'm probably going to end it.
  5. Same here - hundreds of battles and nothing at all. This is really ridiculous, why play this game at all if I do not win anything?
  6. This legendary event was a huge disappointment. Hundreds of battles and nothing at all. For some time, a slow server with a lot of "err 503 error" was just a cherry on the cake.
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