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  1. The special gear set reward should be replaced with a special profile picture option, in one or more categories, possibly based on the number of days participated you get more of the items that make a complete appearance set. For that matter maybe a back ground for harem pictures also matching the theme. And last but not least it might be cool to add a section to the market that places profile items and harem back grounds on sale for kobans. I’d be much more likely to blow 50 knbans on those than the battle boosters(which I have never bought) making my hero look more unique would be worth a few Konami to me.
  2. I’m having the same issue. My monthly subscription was working fine, when the 3 free days were added my total days went up and it worked as normal for the next 3 days. On the fourth day the days remains changed to “Nand Nana” ever since I can’t collect the 60 daily Conan’s, though the auto collect still works. Please fix this!!
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