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Everything posted by Hollo

  1. Well, I also didn't want extra copies all over Kinkoid's server, either. But then I noticed it's possible to repost an image URL, so let's see how this works. ...not bad. By the way, I wonder if anyone recognizes the pose from somewhere else...
  2. Fans might recall a fighting pose I posted a while back, for what I call Team Ninja. I won't spam you with a repost of the picture, but I'll link back to it: My personal fight team isn't fully modeled yet, unfortunately, and won't be for a while, since it contains the legendary twins, and I plan to do all of the story teams first. Speaking of which, I also plan to do a quick scene of each team as I finish it. So there's also a scene with Team Dark Lord, although they're not fighting.
  3. Oh, right, yeah. I get oranges; I want purples, naturally. I'm not looking forward to having to farm pachinko for them, either. I'm sure I'll spend millions on drops that won't fit my stats. Sigh. Well, I suppose I shouldn't borrow trouble. At least I have the twins...
  4. Finally had time after the travel event to develop a scene for my art thread. You know how Travel Arcana has this nice looking fur coat? Well, now you know why she's into that in the middle of northern hemisphere summer. I have no Gwenaelle or Kalissa models yet, but Juliette and Regine keep Arcana company nicely. (And I have a few more on the way soon.) PvP proceeds. Finally got 9M for the twins' fourth star. Climbing that 18M mountain now. Should be a lot easier than it was back when I was leveling Abrael. I can afford to buy out the entire XP shop, and even the epic affection items when they appear. If only I could get an epic charm item! I keep going up against players with 2-4 of them. I have 0. They never drop, and I won't be able to gamble for them in pachinko any time soon. That equipment vendor has offered several legendary charm items, but they're all either chest (the most useless slot for them), or they're only a few dozen points over what I already have. So frustrating.
  5. Arena fight 1: easy win. +1 mojo. Arena fight 2: tough, but still a win. +1 mojo. Arena fight 3: easy opponent, gets a Wild Burst at the last moment. -30 mojo. :shakefist:
  6. Hollo

    More 3D-ness

    Whew! Finally got my ducks in a row after our trip. Arcana was our travel agent, and in return, she got to pick the place - a nice cabin in the alpines where she said one could "go for a spin". Turns out we misheard her say "go for a Sven". I hopped onto a stool next to the fireplace while Juliette and Regine looked on. They could hardly wait for a turn!
  7. I'm seeing a lot of drilling on that building, and not enough ladies.
  8. This is all in the FAQ, btw. Adventures and Villains section IIRC. (The only thing that probably isn't there is the history of drop rates.)
  10. Just found out what the quest title refers to. Oy.
  11. There's no practical way for you to test this. You'd need probably a hundred accounts just to have a decent sample size, and keep careful track of each one with no mistakes. You have the "you fought a boss and won" thread, but no one's been tracking how long they've gone between trying a boss. Meanwhile, I suspect it's as GeorgeMTO says: it's unlikely that Kinkoid would implement this without mentioning it.
  12. Update on Wednesday declares Mani, a housemaid, and Belissa, a "judge". And now Kaos posted what I assume are their intro poses on Discord, and I'm debating whether to repost them here or wait for them to appear on the FAB thread...
  13. Donatien is now cleared. Just eight boss girls left. Boss - level 244 - 75 girls - Donatien (level 130) - 359 battles - 19 boss girls - Pelagie
  14. Yeah, that's pretty much my showing every week. Especially now that I have Fanny and Fiore to feed, meaning no big cash expenditure even if I think I have a chance at some kobans.
  15. Travel Kalissa secured! Back to boss farming. 1152 tries on Final; 358 on Donatien.
  16. Event - level 244 - 74 girls - Dark Lord (level 30) - 97 battles - 19 boss girls - Travel Kalissa
  17. Or WestWorld, which was the name of one such amusement park in the novel of the same name. Which became a film. And later a very good TV series, showing now. It's turtles all the way up!
  18. High Standards should be the name of our arch-nemesis.
  19. Event - level 243 - 73 girls - Donatien (level 130) - 63 battles - 19 boss girls - Travel Arcana
  20. > You can't blame the girls for having good taste. lol Ha! You mean bland taste! Few things will beat some nice spicy Mexican. (Maybe some spicy Italian...)
  21. Your luck will likely have good times and bad times. I spent almost 2000 kobans to get Fanny the first time she came out, and still didn't get her, and had to spend about 1500 more to get her the second time. Meanwhile, I got all three of Roko's, and he wasn't even level 220 - he was lower level than Finalmecia, who's maxed out for me and is still hanging onto two of hers. Luck should even out in the long run, so play toward the long run. Keep going, and be patient.
  22. Well that's enough to get my hopes up. My personal hope is that if they follow through, the result gives players more information at a minimum. If it gives players more control, that's just extra frosting on the face.
  23. I thought it was established that Haremverse was its own dimension? Like, in the first twenty or so story scenes? The signpost could be pointing the way to portals to each city. Portals could be anywhere, for all we know about portal mechanics.
  24. It's sooo nice to be on world 10. It's like we're on top of the world on revival time! I wasn't even playing when the first Travel event appeared. Arcana looks... way cute. And I've even got one girl left to woo away from Donatien (Pelagie) at the same time. 30 tries so far...
  25. I'm sort of on the cusp, too. I'm sure I could figure it out, and I know where tutorials exist. It's mostly a matter of time. In fact, I've heard of a mod that lets you import several different 3D formats into PH, implying that you could get damn near anything in there - random objects, rooms for maps - if it's been modeled anywhere on the web, chances are high that it exists in one of those formats. But again, it comes down to time.
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