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Everything posted by dominantdewd

  1. I honestly like the story, artwork, and the collection game mechanic. I find it really annoying that since the storyline isn't finished, I can log in and not be able to use any energy and have no way of using it or trading it to do more battles (or sell it straight up for in game cash, or save up more energy for later to progress). The hard limit of 100 makes me sad. Like, I get it, gotta sell them kobans and it's not cheap or easy to make story progressions. I think it would be a nice reward to be able to sign in and have a task to do that lets you save up energy for future use. One thing I wish were more integrated, were in game interactions with other players. It's like, you log in and spend your energy/cash/kobans/combativity and then there's absolutely nothing to do. It would be cool to see some more mini games integrated with rewards to keep me playing against other players without it being a "click a single button" or "spend specific amounts of cash".
  2. One thing I wished would happen during the game would be change of music depending on the main screen visual themes. I figured I'd write something inspired by the winter menu and see if anyone likes it. What do you guys think? Winter Nights.mp3
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