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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Around 9000 kobans worth of refills and did not get her...
  2. 9000 kobans, over a 1000 fights. Did not get her... Time to quit.
  3. Best event ever! Spent my entire Koban savings of 9000 on refreshes for around 1000 battles total, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it! Now any love or addiction I had for the game is gone so I can finally quit. It would take compensation of my kobans refunded and getting to girl to come back. Offering a limited unit for 4 days with impossible odds to pull is clearly a scam. Clearly event's purpose was so we could burn all our kobans and be forced to buy the monthly card, which without I can't even claim my harem revenue without a headache due to no kobans left.
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