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  1. to me, this is not about the legendary girl. This is about transparency for the drop rates and fundamental changes to basics of this game, that obviously need improvement, rather than small fixes every now and then. My strongest point was the transparency and the frequent server errors everyone is getting.
  2. I don't know about the bosses having different drop rates. Also, barely makes sense. Still, I give you that. However, Ninja spy dropped them quite quickly. I assume you could call it luck, but transparency would be nice so one would know that without getting frustrated
  3. I feel like some basic fixes first. Yeah, the 'look up'- thing is great, but plenty of players still get that error 503 - servers don't respond message popping up while 1) collecting money, 2) completing daily missions, 3) fighting bosses and 4) completing the story. Not to mention the thousands of players that didn't get that legendary girl (I myself haven't been able to gather a girl in weeks. since mary (the pirate) got to all players, there's emptiness. Donatien is lvl 90 now and still has all three girls, i wasn't able to collect a single girl during the spring break revival thing and that legendary girl also didn't drop). And while this is personal complaining, I think it would be greatly welcomed by everyone playing if the dropping-girls system would 1) be transparent, because right now we're all arguing on how it works and 2) would be changed into something not luck based.
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