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Everything posted by 56416

  1. I completely understand your annoyance and am sorry to be part of the cause of it. The devs must lack time to answer on multiple locations at the same time and i thought i could at least say here that SOMETHING was being done to mitigate the damage the patch has done. My apologies.
  2. They are not hiding and probably DO give a fuck. They answered some points in the french forum. Basically, they are monitoring the new income and will change it if need be after some days of observation. There will be a new patch next monday, alongside their plan for the future and a more detailed roadmap. There will be a rollback for the rare affection items showing up in the market for high-lvl players.
  3. Arena may be useful but feels underwhelming at the moment. Way more losses and poor gains. It FEELS that way, even if mathematically you may have found otherwise.
  4. We are getting more combats, but they feel way less rewarding than before.
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