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  1. UPDATE: Yeah, George was correct. I JUST found Zoe near the end of the list instead of at the end. I guess I haven't gotten any new girls from the story (Zoe was my last one I needed before I start farming the last world's girls), so I never noticed that this is how the game works now. Thank you guys for responding!
  2. Earlier this morning, I unlocked (obtained 100 affinity points or whatever they're called) the last girl I needed from Finalmecia, but she's nowhere to be found in my harem. She was blonde and was holding some sort of whip according to her silhouette.
  3. Lol sadly no because of how anti-social the game was before clubs were introduced. I guess I'll wait for a club update then.
  4. I haven't joined a single club yet only because I don't see the incentive in joining one. Do you get any perks or enter club-exclusive contests/leagues? When they were announced, I didn't see any mention of such features.
  5. Pretty much lol aren't most of us after collecting them all for the sake of collecting?
  6. Yeah, but he meant THE REAL one. I'm just suggesting loopholes so that way she herself doesn't canonically end up in our harems.
  7. CAN WE PLEASE GET FINALMECIA TO DROP NOW? It doesn't have to be the real one in the story, you guys can just say the one we drop is like a clone or a sexbot (like in Rick & Morty) that the hero really wanted Bunny or somebody to make for him (maybe he can have a birthday event?). You guys can either include her in her world drops or through some sort of story themed event (which now that I think about it, that could be an interesting idea within itself) next year or I'd even be okay with putting her in Epic Pachinko. Just PLEASE include her in some way lol I've never wanted any other girl to drop so bad!
  8. Holy crap! I magically got Titania on my next 10 tries! Praise RNGesus!
  9. Oh okay, sorry then. Thanks anyway for hearing me out.
  10. Yes, but this has been going on for almost 4 months (since June)! Can you at least throw me a bone and let me get this ONE girl? It's been driving me crazy and I refuse to battle the next bosses until I get her.
  11. I've been battling Silvanus since June and I STILL haven't gotten the final girl (the great fairy) and I even skipped out on some event girls just to collect this last one and I'm starting to wonder if there is an error with the drops because I have never had to go over a month to get a single girl to drop. Not even his other girls took this long.
  12. I shot ropes of cum all over her ass until...
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