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  1. I used around six to nine refiles, maybe a little more
  2. I'm interested to see what they do as well. Hopefully we can have a discussion with them for improvements, or something along those lines.
  3. When a game causes more pain and stress than it does fun and enjoyment, you know something is wrong.
  4. Ouch man. I really don't know what to say to that.
  5. Yeah, it's probably because just about everyone has Dark Lord, or can get to him easily.
  6. Agreed, but I'd doubt they do that.
  7. I'm sick of this, it's like I'm playing the lottery. I've made sure to use all of the free combativity points I've gotten, and even refilled a few times, and what do I have to show for it? Nothing aside form a few extra bucks, and even that worthless if you compare how much money I could have gotten from fighting other bosses. I know that this has been said before on this thread, but I had to vent this out somewhere.
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