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The Real Max Power

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Everything posted by The Real Max Power

  1. if you want to win more fights: SERIOUSLY BUY HERO STAT POINTS OF YOUR FORTE! (KNOW-HOW FOR YOU); I maxed out all three stats in the market, now I lose one fight in a hundred or in two hundred - I know it´s expensive but better equip is too, right?? And yeah, I guess most players, including us want that big update to a serious interesting PVP, well at least moooore interesting than now!! My suggestion is to further flesh out that three-way-combat: 3 options for attack, 3 options for defence, attack/defence switching after each exchange - now it´s not an exchange anyway - even old dos games have sth like that! (e.g. for dueling with swords/saber/rapier/etc., like uncharted waters 2, sure is on youtube, just have no link now) But the strange thing is... the devs should have considered sth of at least that combat-PVP standard from the very beginning of their concept of this game - please don´t tell me that´s news... it´s just a very easy, very old example... charm attack is dominant over hardcore defence, so your defence is ineffective (0) - for example; same att and defence: half stats of def, full stats for att; hardcore att and charm def: charm full def, so hardcore att stat should better be higher than charm stat of def, else no damage... everyone can think up better/fairer/more interesting ways, I hope So please, my dear devs, what´s keeping YOU so long? - Well, it´s no good for me to say that since I just joined last month, ahem , I gotta go with the wind now...
  2. Sorry for being "offtopic" once more... : Congrats to entering the first page!
  3. 5 times out of 100+, 500+, or 1000+ fights? They have almost ome random factor that can lead to a few promille seriously unrational result... so it wouldn´t be weird, unfortunately, but if it´s in the scale of a percent or more - then I would also be doubtful! Just one thing to add: These 5 times, your adversary didn´t have this 20%-type advantage over you, right? Even though that´s about damage and shouldn´t influence crit - but who knows what´s hidden?
  4. finding the same name but wrong player in tof happened over a dozen times for me already, and it can take very long to find the one you have been fighting... tof needs some filters - just for level would suffice for now... but it´s not so easy to prove that the crits are biased, sometimes I even win with crit-orgasm-crit in three strikes against players about 10lv above me and othertimes it´s me getting none and losing by a sliver when the opponent gets two or three crits - my point is: you need many detailed data points to prove that it´s biased, so how many fights with which crit %s and so on; if you really want to find out it will keep you busy!
  5. Yeah, that´s really an issue with german... long sentences! So it´s for the concept of "keep it short & simple" (KISS), like in project management courses Whoever is going to translate all that stuff really needs to think that way. Since the pictures explain everything clearly it should really be possible to cut the long german sentences down quite a bit, without I would be more close to the original.
  6. With the actual picture...it is, but your version would only be "So you like watching, huh?"
  7. so it´s an Elo-Ranking-System with an K-factor of 32, and about 800 mojo-difference to reach that maximum (approx.). I wonder if it is simplified (linear function) or in a degressing curve - has anyone enough datapoints for that?
  8. you can just juxtapose some versions for the same sentence and discuss which is the one that´s the least cringe-worthy.... I would say: "Na du siehst wohl gerne Leute beim ficken zu, ha?", but there are many possibilities even for that simple sentence.
  9. I agree, but there is at limit to leveling your mainstat: at lv32 I hit the limit, it is displayed "MAXED"... haha, I thought that only crit is limited. At lv33 I could level the stat a bit more... about 18 times "+"-button, until it got gray again and "MAXED" displayed again... next lv the same... so I keep pushing to the new limit at every level. Well, I´m new, maybe everyone knew that already?!
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