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Everything posted by ZeroGravity

  1. Same here Edit: it´s working again
  2. Ok i understood there is a new update, but after clean my brower cache and refreshing the site more then 10 times, even restarted my pc - it is still not working - i´m getting the annoying update message again and again and again or a window that´s telling me Login failed - come on - really. YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT. and this is not the first time, we dealing with this shit since years - who program this a 3 years old toddler.
  3. I can´t place the last part of the first puzzle - it always snaps back
  4. May it´s my mistake - and i recived a higher one - in that case a inventory would be nice.
  5. 2nd time i don´t recive "Marketing lessons for noobs" from the daily quest.
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