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Imick Says

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Posts posted by Imick Says

  1. 33 minutes ago, CopyBoop said:

    It is lazy but it makes sense and there are many possible explanations. Maybe they don't care, maybe they where running out of time, maybe they had something different in mind for the two of them. 


    What you could be upset about is that not only does GH not have HC 5 star legendary we won't get a CH 5 star legendary this month either. :(

    I just meant it didn't make sense story-wise. I mean, obviously there has to be an explanation for why they did it but given the story of the event, there is no logical reason for them being exactly the same.

    Wait...did they actually say somewhere that GH isn't getting a charm 5 star legendary? Because that does upset me if it's true. And, honestly, I think they should have a make-up event for GH, where we get the chance to get a hardcore 5 star legendary guy. There's no reason we shouldn't have one.

  2. I know most people here don't care about GH, but...I'm going to complain about this anyway cause I'm kinda pissed off about it. 

    Not only are the 0 star poses of Past and Future Ulrich the same (like I complained about earlier), but so are the 1 star and 2 star poses--the only differences are the hair and the way they're facing. Everything else is exactly the same. And the 3 star pose has a change of clothes, but again, same pose, same face. This is just so blantantly lazy, it's just gross.

    And I don't care what character Ulrich is supposed to be based off. He is NOT that character. And in THIS game, they are NOT supposed to be the same person. Past Ulrich is supposed to be Future Ulrich's ANCESTOR. So this is just stupid and lazy and makes zero sense.

    I give a lot of the bullshit that happens in this game a pass, but there really is no excuse for this. At all. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, natstar said:

    He fits into any timeline because he can time travel.

    I would have rather had the second version in epic pachinko than dark lord though and had a better version of it in epic pachinko being the legendary one.

    I have been wanting a Saiyan just to bad only 1 version of the game got one.

    He is not prehistoric so he does not fit the THEME of the event. And this still ignores the fact that using the exact same drawing for both versions of the character while only altering the hair is extremely lazy and that was my main complaint. You seem too hung up on the fact that HH didn't get a Saiyan that you're willing to pass off something that was an extremely poor choice because "at least gayharem gets a saiyan." If you don't believe using the same drawing for the two versions is extremely lazy and is worth complaining about, fine. Just don't try to justify it to me. I don't care if GH has a Saiyan; I don't care if HH has a Saiyan. I care that they didn't expend the same amount of effort into Ulrich as they did into Laverne.

  4. 2 minutes ago, natstar said:

    It's based on future trunks from dragonball at least gayharem gets a saiyan.

    But it's a prehistoric event and he's not prehistoric. That in and of itself is odd. They could have chosen someone else to do a parody of or even just altered it to fit the theme--which they do all the time. But even disregarding that, it's still the exact same drawing but with different hair. They could have changed the pose/expression without a problem. It's weird and lazy and still doesn't make sense, regardless of who the character is based on.

  5. Wait...

    Why are Past Ulrich and Future Ulrich EXACTLY THE SAME except for their hair (one is short; one is long). Literally, the exact same face, pose, clothes; it's the same drawing, except for the hair. I'm sorry, that just reeks of laziness and doesn't make any sense either. Cave Laverne and Future Laverne are different. Cave Laverne follows the whole Prehistoric theme but Past Ulrich...doesn't. Why? o.O

  6. 7 minutes ago, Supreme King said:

    So how long is this event guys? I only drop Festival Solveig, but no luck on Festival Bonnie! If it ends today, i might as well spend some kobans.

    There are still two more days.

  7. 461 battles, 23 affection items, no Norou

    261 battles, 4 affection items, got H.A.L.

    I'm satisfied tbh. Whenever the second version of the harem comes out, I already have a legendary know-how girl so it's not a total loss in that sense. I got a good number of legendary affection items and H.A.L., who in my opinion has a way better design than his female counterpart. xD 

  8. 1 hour ago, fire cock said:

    A NAGA 🤔🤔 that is interesting since the game is taking hints from famous anime characters and anime events, the can get that from my monster girl anime, they've got some really sexy ladies down there. why not??

    I proposed an idea and I am reproposing it again, why don't you create a whole quest to the mermaids that the main character promised to visit someday, they can get some hints from onepiece, there is a whole arc that represented that

    YESSS. There's some really awesome character designs in that anime. I'd love to see a version of Lala and Suu and Papi.


    And I agree with the mermaid quest. I always found it strange that there really is no follow up to that beyond a daily mission. Plus, mermaids are cool so I would love to see more in the game, especially since I wasn't able to get Cora when she was available.

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  9. On 5/5/2018 at 11:45 PM, jacktim said:

    Y not add in some more animal based members it kinda dull that all we get is bunnys one cat and one dog im not counting frog girl since it her superpower not her race 

    I second this. I would love to see more cat girls, specifically! Or a naga. xD 

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  10. 10 hours ago, jyepie said:

    yeah i dont see a problem with the girls being with lower bosses, we have all the time in the world to collect money from Finalmencia. but I still remember when i couldnt get a girl because she was with grunt and i had not gotten there yet, and it was very depressing for a newbie to feel like that. how was it my fault that i had no reach that level yet? 


    people are complaining about money but this only lasts 7 days.... you have the entire year to collect money.... or just DONT try to get the girl, is that simple. 
    like what the hell, people want to collect the maximum money and have the girl with finalmencia too? 
    Elitist much? 

    It's not so much that I don't think there's a problem with having all the event girls on the lower bosses as it is so much that there are better solutions than screwing over all the new and mid-level players. I've seen people come up with other solutions that would still allow all players to get the event girls while not losing out on money. 

    But, yeah, I missed an event girl once (Val Abrael) because I was only on Invaded Kingdom at the time and she was on the Juy Sea. I would have loved to get her and it sucks that I missed it. And that's just one girl. I can't imagine what it would be like if there's two events every month and you didn't even have the chance to get ANY OF THEM except the one mission girl because people in the last worlds whinged and whined that they couldn't get the girls and the money at the same time and didn't want to take the time to think of a real solution to the problem.

    Basically, I don't mind if people take issue with having to fight the lower bosses and lose out on money; I just take issue with their inability to think about other players at all and insist on making it the best for them, and if it is going to be a choice between having the event girls on the lower bosses and having event girls on the higher bosses, I'm always going to say to do it on the lower bosses, even though that hurts me in the income department too. 

  11. While I understand that there is a huge lack of income in this game and that being forced to battle the earlier bosses can be a problem, I find it extremely unfair that people continually insist on screwing over all the new players and mid players so that they can keep battling the later bosses. If you don't want to lose out on the money, don't go after the event girls instead of saying f you to all the people who aren't on the last two or three worlds.

    Also, for the record, my first event on here was the Valentine's one this year, and I knew it was an event from the getgo, even though I joined a day or two after the event had started. It's not confusing. There's an announcement about every event. Don't attribute your inability to pay attention to every new player out there and deem that a suitable reason to deny them a chance at getting the girls from the event.

    Anyway, switching to the topic at hand:

    I definitely understand the OP's point here. While I'm more of the mind to go for the girl rather than the money, I can see it from both sides, and it wouldn't surprise me if at some point I skip out on an event in order to save up on some money, especially if the event girls aren't up my alley. xD 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Joe-da-G said:

    Her stats are not that great, Imick... 3,2 in hardcore is about so-so

    To compare, Captain Haremverse has 3,6 in charm...  

    Well, that's a little disappointing. She would have needed to be at least a 3.5 in hardcore in order to be of use to me in PvP. Oh, well.  

    But thanks for the info! C: 

  13. After 31 more battles, I got Hildr, which makes me super happy because despite how much I like Viola, I like the characters with dynamic poses a lot more. Plus,  Hildr is hardcore -- not sure if her stats are any better than the girls I already have in my battle team, but it's nice to have options.

  14. 228 battles and I still haven't gotten Iron Viola. This is the longest it's ever taken me to get an event girl. :( I mean, I still have nine days left so I'm trying not to panic too much, but it's a little worrisome, especially since I still have to try to get Hildr, too.

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