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Spring Holidays event feedback

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First of all, I would like to applaud the developers for implementing a new type of event. It gives variety and even though it's not very complicated gameplay wise it is sufficiently engaging.

However the balancing of the event is way off. While we have had difficult events before, there has never been one where the players have so little lee-way. If a user starts the event immediately, checks every few hours to avoid wasting moves and makes absolutely no mistakes on any level, they will have about 3-4 moves remaining after obtaining the event girl. The is absurdly low even for an event where the conditions for completion are less strict, let alone one that demands constant attention from the players. Furthermore the gameplay itself, for all it's simplicity, is still error prone and in addition to that there is a bug affecting a significant portion of players. This makes the 4 backup moves hilariously insufficient given the current situation. To add insult to injury, the cost of recharging the moves is significantly disproportionate to other in-game purchases. Kobans which players may not have, since the gameplay of previous events didn't encourage hoarding to this level.

My suggestions is that the event should be extended by at least 4-5 days to allow more players the chance of obtaining the girl, without having to spend a significant amount of kobans. This will reduce the pressure significantly, plus will allow players that have been affected by the event bug to recover from losing a number of moves due to it.

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what the guy above me said.....i specifically made an account just so that i can post in this thread.......thats how botched this event is.....

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- Shift up a little Office / Harem /Gacha / Event icons

- In the obtained space, place a new icon named "Mini-Game" which redirect to this Puzzle Game

- Keep in the rewards system (including Bonus Stage if you want, excluding a Final Girl) & make it reset every week

- Maintain clicker-Events

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2 hours ago, [CNO] Tsuga said:


- Shift up a little Office / Harem /Gacha / Event icons

- In the obtained space, place a new icon named "Mini-Game" which redirect to this Puzzle Game

- Keep in the rewards system (including Bonus Stage if you want, excluding a Final Girl) & make it reset every week

- Maintain clicker-Events

yes this could be a fun minigame to try an earn extra rewards

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Yep, +1 for this assessment, and +1 for the "mini-game tab" proposal as well.

It was a neat surprise at first to see new gameplay for an event instead of the usual lite remake of the main gameplay.  But soon it becomes apparent that the balance for this new game mode seems awfully harsh for how it's being used.

Throwing some ideas around to try to help brainstorm other fixes or alternatives...

  • Would it be possible for the dailies system here in Hentai Clicker to start including a sequence of event dailies like what we often see in Harem Heroes?
  • Whether the puzzle game continues to be an event format or gets repurposed as a permanent mini-game, how about letting at least 1 daily each day award several extra moves for the puzzle game?  (So that'd specifically be the event daily's reward if the puzzle is kept as an event.)
  • Or instead of awarding extra moves in place of kobans / money / harem affection / contacts affection on a daily mission... What if every daily awards one extra move in addition to the usual stuff?  (This idea would be more applicable if the puzzle becomes a permanent mini-game.)
  • You could try to strike a different balance with how moves in the puzzle are perceived by us if you adjust the cap for number of moves saved up and the timer to recharge moves...  For an example, suppose that we cap at 2500 puzzle energy, recharge +1 puzzle energy per minute, pay 50 puzzle energy to move a piece onto the board, and pay 25 energy to swap an already placed piece with another space or piece on the board.  (Obviously with this kind of scaling any potential addition of puzzle energy to daily rewards would likely be giving away several hundreds of points at a time.)
  • I kind of snuck another suggestion into that example there.  Let there be a discounted move cost to fix any mistakes that might happen.  Say that a player already burned the cost of a move or two placing one or two pieces onto the wrong spot(s) on the board.  Let that player pay half of the cost of one move to swap the positions of two pieces already on the board.  The player will still be kicking themself over it, but at least the mistake will sting a bit less.
  • What if one of the early contact's had her bonus changed to a reduction on the recharge timer for that puzzle energy?  +1 puzzle energy per 30 seconds by the time she reaches max level.  (Or change a few of them and have the cumulative effects with all at max level reach that point.  Or another alternative could be that we gain 50 energy per hour and some contacts can boost the amount gained while other contacts can reduce the timer, ending at 100 energy per 30 minutes once they're all at max level.  Or for yet another alternative... this would add extra complication to the whole thing but perhaps there could be two separate timers: small energy gains on a fast timer and big energy gains on a slow timer, and let there be contacts that tweak amount A, timer A, amount B, and timer B.  Maybe in that more complicated idea the fast timer can only max out at 50% better in its amount while getting 100% faster and the slow timer can max out at 100% better in its amount while only getting 50% faster.)
  • Obviously, as suggested by Tsuga let the puzzle game become a permanent feature on a new "mini-games" tab.  Climb up through stages to earn certain rewards.  7 day cycle (reset progress weekly).  Adding to that idea though, what if the stage 10 reward and/or the grindable stage 11 reward was something similar to the partial credit we can get in Harem Heroes towards girl unlocks?  For example, +1 point towards a random gacha girl that you don't have yet and maybe unlock a new girl when you collect a total of 10 points for her.  (Best case scenario if you always randomly draw a point for the same girl every time and if this is only the stage 10 reward: It takes you 10 weeks to unlock one girl.  (Odds are that we typically won't get such a lucky streak though.))
  • This goes into a whole other pre-existing gripe with the game, but I'd also propose changing the gacha system to allow for there to be an option for a cheaper gacha spin.  The current one is 9000 kobans per spin and you have a chance to insta-win 1 girl.  Let the new option be 900 kobans per spin and you have a chance to win 1 point towards a girl.  (Same points I suggested earning from weekly puzzle mini-game grind.)  Other rewards in that cheaper spin would be at 1/10 of the potency of their counterparts in the expensive spin.  And maybe there would have to be some sort of tweak made to the big spin's insta-win result to pay out something extra if she already had some points earned before you insta-won her.  (Probably gaining some amount of harem affection.)
  • Going beyond the puzzle mini-game, what if there were other mini-games introduced sooner or later as well and what if the energy resource was actually general-purpose for all mini-games instead of only being for the puzzle?  Maybe each mini-game has its own separate randomized reward ladder for each week and we may have to make some decisions about which mini-game(s) we'll prioritize if we're specifically trying to collect certain rewards?  (Like if a player decided to make a personal goal out of trying to max out a ton of contacts they would want to try to snatch as much of the contact affection as they can every week so they'd aim for those rewards first before worrying about reaching other rewards.)
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il y a 33 minutes, MuljoStpho a dit :
  • What if one of the early contact's had her bonus changed to a reduction on the recharge timer for that puzzle energy?

I like this idea (combined with a permanent "mini-game") :x


Having 40 Contacts (max right now) & seeing Toast of the Town Achievement to be continued, I was wondering what Bonus next ones will give :|

Increase Crit. (Hardcore/Charm/Know-How) (Non/-Boss) (Click/Idle) ? :/


We are introducing a new type of Puzzle Event! 

  • Players who have reached stage 1250 of the game can participate

I suggest this Stage for this new Contact & access to "Mini-Game" :)

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6 hours ago, [CNO] Tsuga said:

I like this idea (combined with a permanent "mini-game") :x


Having 40 Contacts (max right now) & seeing Toast of the Town Achievement to be continued, I was wondering what Bonus next ones will give :|

Increase Crit. (Hardcore/Charm/Know-How) (Non/-Boss) (Click/Idle) ? :/

I suggest this Stage for this new Contact & access to "Mini-Game" :)

I would be happy with a min game or even a mass rumble type games like you get in HH tower of fame / arena or fap titans faction wars. However for now I would happy if they would just stop releasing new content that is buggy as hell and make shure it all works right first time also fix the login and update issues many users seem to frequently endure (though I must admit I am not one of them) and It would be really nice if the new Re-size button actually worked as I hate the full screen version.

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Funny "there is replayable bonus stage after". I'm force to spend Kobans earned in this event to complete it coz run PC isn't the first thing I do after I wake up... there is no way to play bonus stage even if someone don't waste any move. Failure. Why this event is designed to schedule my day :( ? 40min to get ot work, 40min out, 8h of working. Last thing before work is I should check the game and the first after? Even then I lose 60 minutes and it is over 1 move. This someone calculated it before event starts? Do the event bonus stage looks like event itself? If yes is obvious you need to spend Kobans to done it, did someone calculate this amount Kobans to complete bonus stage isn't more than rewards are worth? When this event will be near end this topic will be spamed.

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