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For New Events in HC (DEVs ideas)

Jan Red Dragon

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In the past we had an event in HC that many people didn't like (ironic).
The event started for some players who were attentive (or connected at that time) unfortunately it was a 5 day event difficult for some players to solve
Although I didn't have that problem or other players,
Yes I had the problem of downloading the new update (unfortunately they put it 5 hours after the event started).
Once that incident was resolved I started to play (since I'm lacking in understanding, or maybe I was pissed off, it took me a while to understand what the event was about)
The first puzzle was flawless,
the second the same (I thought to myself that the event was easy and that people were complaining about complaining .... but they had been playing for 5 hours longer than me)
When I got to the third puzzle I saw that it was a little more difficult (well Jan, think better about the movements to be more attentive -I thought for myself-
to which I respond with I CAN BECAUSE JAN IS MUCH JAN (when you are old you will also speak alone and not with the woman)
, but I had a failure (and you will say -YOU THAT YOU WERE READY AND DID YOU FACE YOURSELF WITH THE COCK JAN ?? - Well yes, I had a failure, but when I looked at it ... well it was not where I wanted to put the piece,
but I didn't pay much attention to it (you do like when you have a scratch on the car and you leave it thinking that this is how the painting will come back)
I continue the game and since I have no more movements I am going to make dinner

.I come back from dinner and I see that I have two movements (I was foresighted and wrote down the following movements that I was going to do (since I am a man and an older person who forget things)
, the first perfect movement but the second movement did not coincide ...
The second failure !! Jan is looking bad and that was about macho
I turn yellow with fear (two failures 5 hours without being able to enter ... I'm sure I can't finish the event), I stare at the puzzle in fear (if there's a fire at home at that moment, I'm sure I won't find out and I I die burned)
At that moment I remember that I am a man and as the mothers or the women of each one say (SEE WELL THAT THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR YOU HAVE IN FRONT OF YOU)
, at that moment look at the movements I had noted before dinner and ...
the first movement I did well, but the second (the finger sent it to the previous movement) .... where I already added 4 faults


, I close my eyes from the phone and go to HH (on the pc) I collect money (by hand), I make sand (I lose a battle and I already grind my teeth), I do the tournament (position 1,
If I was in position 2, I wouldn't tell you anything)
, I go back to the phone to HC and how much time does it take for the 10 movements since it is late and you have to go to sleep ... It takes about 8 h 30 min (very bad since with that time one cannot sleep all right)
I wake up the next day and see that I have all 10 movements (I get angry)
I put three pieces well, but the 4 puts it where it is not (again the finger ... grrr), the next piece goes with fear (I use the finger to take the piece and before putting it on I look at all the angles of my finger (something raised) in case it is going to put it where I do not want (luckily because it was going to put it where it was not)
and so the remaining days

P.D: desgraciadamente acabe el evento ganando a la chica pero ahora mi cuello me duele por las posiciones para poner las piezas

Mucha gente tambien se quejaba de que el fondo negro y el puzzle de fondo negro no era muy jugable (lo note en los ultimos puzzles)



Antiguamente tuvimos un evento en HC al que no le gusto a mucha gente (ironico).
El evento empezo para algunos jugadores que estuvimos atentos(o conectados a esa hora) desgraciadamente era un eveno de 5 dias dificil de resolver para algunos jugadores 
Aunque yo no tuve ese problema ni otros jugadores,si tuve el problema de la descarga de la nueva actualizacion (por desgracia la pusieron 5 horas despues de que empezara el evento).
Una vez resuelto ese incidente me puse a jugar (como soy falto de entendimiento ,o quizas estaba cabreado,tarde un poco en entender de que iba el evento)
El primer puzzle fue sin fallos,el segundo lo mismo(yo pense para mi mismo que el evento era facil y que la gente se quejaba por quejarse ....pero elllos ya llevaban 5 horas mas jugando que yo)
Al llegar al tercer puzzle vi que era un poco mas dificil (bueno Jan piensate mejor los movimientos que hay que estar mas atento -pense yo para mi- a lo que me respondo con YO PUEDO PORQUE JAN ES MUCHO JAN (cuando seais viejos tambien hablareis solos y no con la mujer)
,pero tuve un fallo (y direis vosotros -TU QUE IBAS DE LISTO Y TE HAS DADO EN LA CARA CON LA POLLA JAN??- Pues si,tuve un fallo,pero cuando lo mire ...pues no era ahi donde queria poner la pieza,pero no le hice mucho caso (haces como cuando tienes un rascazo en el coche y le echas saliba pensando que asi le va a volver la pintura)
sigo al juego y como no tengo  mas movimientos me voy hacer la cena

.vuelvo de la cena y veo que tengo dos movimientos (fui previsor y apunte los siguientes movimientos que iba a hacer (ya que soy hombre y una persona mayor que se me olvidan las cosas)
,el primer movimiento perfecto pero el segundo movimiento no coincidia...
El segundo fallo!! Jan esta quedando mal y eso que iba de machote
me pongo amarillo de miedo (dos falllos 5 horas sin poder a entrar...seguro que no puedo acabar el evento),me quedo mirando el puzzle con miedo (si hay un incendio en casa en ese momento seguro que no me entero y me muero quemado)
,en ese momento me acuerdo que soy hombre y como dicen las madres o las mujeres de cada uno (MIRA BIEN QUE ESO QUE ESTAS BUSCANDO LO TIENES DELANTE DE TI)
,en ese momento mire los movimientos que habia apuntado antes de cenar y...
el primer movimiento lo hice bien ,pero el segundo (el dedo lo mando al movimiento anterior)....entonde ya sume 4 fallos

,cierro los ojos del telefono y voy a HH (en el pc) recaudo dinero (a mano) ,hago arena (pierdo una batalla y ya rechino los dientes) ,hago el torneo (posicion 1 ,si quedara de posicion 2 no os decia nada)
,vuelvo al telefono a HC y hago calculos del tiempo que hace falta para los 10 movimientos ya que es tarde y hay que ir a dormir....Hacen falta como 8 h 30 min (muy mal ya que con ese tiempo uno no puede dormir bien)
Me levanto el dia siguiente y veo que tengo los 10 movimientos ( me enfado ) 
pongo tres piezas bien,pero la 4 me la pone donde no es(otra vez el dedo...grrr) ,la siguiente pieza va con miedo(uso el dedo para coger la pieza y antes de ponerla miro todos los angulos de mi dedo(algo levantado) por si me lo va a poner donde no quiero(menos mal porque lo iba a poner donde no era)
y asi los dias restantes

P.D: desgraciadamente acabe el evento ganando a la chica pero ahora mi cuello me duele por las posiciones para poner las piezas

Mucha gente tambien se quejaba de que el fondo negro y el puzzle de fondo negro no era muy jugable (lo note en los ultimos puzzles)



For the next event DEVs can put the new version 5 hours before the event starts (with a time lock in the event) because 80% of failures in HC are from the download of new version


Maybe DEVs can do old event and puzzle in bosses rewards (with no limit movements)

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