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Two Straight Weeks of The Same Two Contests


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I am playing through Nutaku, because that is how I found the game, and I had already collected a bunch of girls before I realized I could play direct through Hentai Heroes (wish there was a way to transfer, the account,) I made a new account so I could use the forum, but I don't really play it as I have too much already invested in my first one.  Through my Nutaku account I keep getting the exact same daily contests over and over. It is always either the gain xp and donate or the adventure boss challenge one.  I see that other contests have come up on my Hentai Heroes account when I took a look at it, so I am wondering if this is a glitch of some kind with people playing through Nutaku, or is it just some kind of really weird fluke that the same ones happen to keep coming up?

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If I bothers you that much I'll explain.  I actually missed the first answer, and didn't see the question when I came back to look, so I was thinking I had posted it under the wrong topic on the forum, but I guess I just overlooked it.  No need to get bent out of shape about it.

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