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Club Battles


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It'd be nice if we could have club battles: Like Leagues but instead it'd be battles between clubs where everyone needs to it its part: 

Say you got 20 members, a sin member can only do 20 fights per day so if you go vs a club another club 20 members but only 5 of them participate then they can only do 100 battles while the club of 20 who is all active can do 400 battles total. This way club team work is required to win so it feels like a club battle. Also have the points and battles work same way as league but instead of getting xp for each battle won you gain from 1 to 5 kobans depending on how well your battle went. 

A club battle between 2 clubs would last a day, wining club pize would be 50 kobans to everyone that participated. Also add weekly prizes to the top clubs of the week in tower of fame with the rewards being the same as the ones for money spent. This one would go to all members of the club that participated as well. 

To do a battle it would cost 5 energy, if you need more there is already an a way to buy more energy and each member can pay 1000 kobans to double the number of battles he or she can do everyday for a week. Paying kobans brings you to a net loss of kobans but each times your club wins, the ones that paid for double battles also wins a legendary equipment, a book or a gift. 

Anyways thats my suggestion, me and my club called One Punch Man have been chatting about it and we very much wish we could have Club Battles. Feel free to add your own ideas of how the club battles should be or the rewards but please share this so that the devs can see this and best weay to make everyone happy is to let everyone state their opinion. 

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I agree with the idea but I think the double battles should be cheaper because x10 great pachinko guarentees a legendary item and only costs a couple mil so the koban count for double battles should be maybe 600-800 but other than that I like the idea.

Edited by BodaciousYT
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i dont so much want club battles as I would like to see "club shared girls" added.

"Club shared girls" would be : girls that any club member can add to arena team that have better stats than normal when maxed.  If you leave your current club, you lose any stat bonus gained from the total star/rank level of all club girls, and any club girls in your arena team are removed as well. 

-perhaps any club can chose to spend contribbution to unlcok and build up  "club starter girls".  any club with all stats at rank 5 can start building  "club common girls", clubs with all at rank 10 can build "club rare girls", all at 15 " club epic girls", and when fully maxed can spend contribution to build "club legendary girls".

Any club would start with ability to unlock and build up 9 club starter girls (3of each type). At rank 5 of all the club would have the option to start unlocking and building up 9 club common girls, etc.  being maxed for instance our club could  unlock 9 club legendary girls that could be worked on, 3 for each class type. it of course would take all members contributing and take a mighty lot of total contribution to max a legendary "club girl" but would be a useful continuation of the contribution system iMO.  The club girls would be built up just like the other stats are currently built up, with the exception there would be a max of 5 ranks. Each rank representing 1 star level, and it would take a proportionally larger amount of contribution to advance a rank.

The benefit of ranking up all 9 club girls of each rank (starter/common/rare/epic/legendary) eventually would be that: Just like now where girls you own not in your arena team, still have passive bonus to income and ego.  These could do the same. Maybe the passive bonus wont be to income and ego, but to some other stat(s).



Edited by zythgor
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I like the "club battles" idea better than the "shared girls" idea, but either would be a big improvement on nothing.  There is much more potential for clubs in terms of game play than just stat bonuses.  We've been talking about it too.

So, Kinkoid, please get on it.  Make Clubs Great Again!

Yuch.  Sorry.

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General idea is quite interesting but I'm sure exact numbers other than number of battles will need quite some testing and tweaking. The best of it is that clubs will have to somehow kep their members active or replace inactive one with new and active, even if it would mean getting weaker players.

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