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Why is it so hard to progress through the story? I've been playing for a little while now but, I'm at the evil orc dude and it takes like 80+ energy to get through a tiny segment and like 1 sex scene, but the cap is 30 and it feels soooooo grindy to get a little progress in the story.

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Use the arena to speed up your leveling the max energy is 100 also every 10 levels you get a energy refill so make sure your energy is low so the get the most use out of it also the 150 daily kobans you get for doing the mission can be used for a energy refill if you want but i suggest against it since no rush to get out until you get all 3 boss girls anyways and i don't normally get them until the end of the world level

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I started around June - July this year and played on a daily basis. I rarely let my energy cap so no energy is wasted. I caught up to the story around September so I can confirm that it takes 4-5 months for someone to catch up to the story.

Edited by Arden
I made a mistake on the date
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22 hours ago, natstar said:

Use the arena to speed up your leveling the max energy is 100 also every 10 levels you get a energy refill so make sure your energy is low so the get the most use out of it also the 150 daily kobans you get for doing the mission can be used for a energy refill if you want but i suggest against it since no rush to get out until you get all 3 boss girls anyways and i don't normally get them until the end of the world level

what daily mission are you referring to I don't see that?

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On 10/4/2017 at 5:17 AM, Ogok said:

still thats so slow :*(

Your progress in story will be faster than story update. I've played around 3,5 month and when I was started the game Kalissa (world 8 girl) was un-obtainable. But now, the story got only 4 new scrolls since the time Bunny took my main character to Hentai Hero world, and now I'll finish World 7 soon.

So, yes, the story is slow to complete (this is idle game after all), but chasing up the story is possible.

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