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Please, PLEASE increase the minimum attraction for club champions


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4 days ago I participated in the club champion performance.  I invested 140 tickets, 800+ kobans, and in the process I also leveled multiple girls and maxed their affection to optimize my team.  My contribution was rank #1 at over 60%.  The range for attraction that I may earn at the end showed 1-46.  When the performance ended I got 1 attraction.

Today I chose to try again.  I invested 35 tickets, 200 kobans, and once again leveled girls and maxed affection to optimize my team.  I was ranked 3rd at 17%.  The range for attraction at the end showed 1-16.  When the performance ended I got 1 attraction.

Whenever I only contribute 1 performance and make no changes to my team (so investment is 1 ticket, nothing else) I always get 3 attraction.

I question what I'm even investing in.  I feel like the game is de-incentivizing me to participate in the club champion.

PLEASE raise the minimum attraction from 1, that is way too low to make any investment worthwhile.  I suggest making it half of the maximum, so for my first attempt it would be 24-46 instead of 1-46, and my second attempt would be 9-16 instead of 1-16.


Edited by Nolan84
Fixing some terminology
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  • Nolan84 changed the title to Please, PLEASE increase the minimum attraction for club champions

Hey Nolan84! Welcome to the forum!

If you're suggesting to increase the minimum of drop range from 1, then it was suggested many, many times before. Consider yourself heard.

If you're giving a feedback about a club champion feature then it should be in the "Feedback" section of the forum.

If you're here to just vent about the terrible drop rate, then I feel you man, I had nothing but ones and twos for 7 fights straight.

If you're here to learn about how the club champion feature works, then please visit the "QA questions answers" section of the forum. You will probably be surprised to know that only the amount of participants and the total percent of impression done matters in regard to drop range.

If you're surprised of your odds of getting 1 from 1-16 and 1-46 ranges, then visit the "QA questions answers" section with a "Noob" in the title. People will be more friendly and explain to you how the odds works. Heads up, It's 0.1% chance to get this result and that's a pretty high chance. For comparison the chance of getting my result of 1 and 2 from my 1-50 ranges on average is 0.000000016%. So you're not as unlucky as you think.

If you're suggesting to increase the minimum of drop range while leaving the maximum unchanged, then it's a suggestion that will probably never be implemented, cause it will raise the odds of getting the girl significantly and it will no longer be a challenge and will go against the design idea of the Club Champion as a club activity. On another hand, if that was just an example of your idea, then once again, I recommend to first learn more about how this feature works in different section of the forum.

Good luck and have naughty fun!

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Hi Bomba!

It's a little bit from each column, thanks for providing the references and resources.

I can appreciate the club champions being difficult to obtain, I understand that if everyone in the club gets too many shards then nobody will do the activity.  Or, newer players may be left behind after the veterans finish theirs.

At the same time, kobans cost time and/or money to obtain, and I am selective about where I spend them (which is a sentiment I assume is shared by most or all players).  It's not a good feeling when they seem to be getting wasted on RNG.

If, as you said, many others have made this same suggestion, then great, please (figuratively) add my name to the list of players that believes this needs to be addressed.

Thank you for your help!

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