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Doubt about the recharge of energy


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Good I feel in advance the grammatical errors that may have the text but it is translated with the Google translator.
The question is simple, my energy bar increases its points with each level rise however I go up so slowly that I do not notice if the recharge time is still always the same, 5 hours for the full power or if on the other hand There will come a time when, if I have 88 energy, for example, it will take 10 hours to recharge, someone of a high level could solve this doubt.
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Hi again, pal! :D

Like I said earlier, don't worry, the people here we try to understand others. ;)

When you start the game the energy bar is small, and doesn't take long to refill again.

Although, when you reach high levels, that time of refilling, increases each level.

There's a limit though. 100 points of energy max. 

Like me, for example, I'm level 63, and my bar takes 12h & half to recharge itself again.

Hope that helps you. ^_^



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7 minutes ago, Varnart said:

im level 93 and the bar takes 12 hours and 30 minutes to recharge fully as well so it levels off when you hit the 100 energy mark, I personally think they should raise it to 150, and the fight energy to 30 or 40, but that's me

Yeah, same as me, then. It would a huge improvement of game experience. :D

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5 hours ago, Granpollon said:

ok I get it basically the time if it increases, thanks for resolving the doubt are very kind.

No problem, bud, if you need more help, let us know. B|

As a suggestion you can create a topic for spanish speakers if you don't feel comfortable writing in English, but, if you use it, more people will can help you. :D

It doesn't bother me to translate, but it seems, as I saw before, that the messages in other languages it tends to be deleted. Understandable thing because it comes in the rules. ^_^

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