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Add a way to easly switch betweens girls on the upgrade window


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Since the change in market, inventory etc., we can no longer quikly change between girls while upgrading stars/ levelling up or change the girls look that we want to see or see the story and lore of the girls we are upgrading.This is very sad. The last systeme was way more efficent and nice to the eye (seeing the graphic of the girls smoothly changing, story appearing etc.)

What I think will be a very good and necessary addition is :

1) Add a way to switch between girls when in the new upgrade/lvl-up window

2) Add a way to quickly come back to harem when in the new upgrade/lvl-up window

3) Add a way to choose the graphic of the upgrade stars of the girls that we want to see on the new upgrade/lvl-up window

4) Add back the story/lore of the girls on the new upgrade/lvl-up window

5) Add back the smooth animation when upgrading a girls on the new upgrade/lvl-up window

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1) Switch to... what? Mind a bit and understand the next girl you could want to max out could be somewhere else than "next". That's why you go back to harem. Where you can check the data. You're totally missing the point of  having the Harem and a boosting overlay.

2) That red X on the topright corner, Try press it. Oh, so magic!

3) uhmm... deciphering...Ah, ok, no. You do it in the harem, not the scree made  o purpose to max out stuff. One of the feedback of maxing out is the change in graphic... Again: you're missing the structure.

4) The story is in the harem. It wasn't in the market, and isn't there on the boost overlay. You're mixing two stuff. So... no?

5) What animation on upgrade?!

If you get more used to the new mechanics, you'll probably enjoy (spoil?) it more.

Edited by lepidocter
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1) chose an other girls to upgrade without coming back to harem

2) my bad, not intuitive thought, I was sure to already try that one, my fault :/

3) I know I can (and I do) do it from the harem view but coming back to harem to chose that is a pain in the ass, you should ALSO have easy access to that while inside the upgrade window

4) I'm speaking of the small story and characteritic (favorit food, occupation, living area ect) that you can read inside the harem for each girls. I would like to also see the girl trivia on the upgrading screen, (because of the point 5)

5) Did you really never pay attention to it or never seen it? Before when you were upgrading a girl to the next star, you were bring back to the harem and you could see that the girl was fading away and the next art fading in with some sparckiling star. The trivia text was also unroll from the top with the new trivia unlock being put in.

That part is now missing, the new graphic unlock is just there with no animation at all, you can't quickly change to the previous art of the girl to compare the difference between the new art and the previous one (without coming back to harem each time) and the trivia is no longer visible from that screen so no more "unroll" animation for the new trivia unlock.

It's a small thing but now that it's missing, upgrading a girl feels more "raw", "unfinished". This (small) animation (or should I call them transition?) when upgrading a girl make the game feels like more polished. And they are no more.

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