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Weekly Lag Time for when Blessings Fade Away


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So before someone hammers me for asking the question and stating that I didn't look, I did. I just can't find this info.

Question: How long does the previous week's Blessings blend into the next week?

I only ask because as of the time that the new Blessings turn on, people in the Leagues old stats do not change... AT ALL. This was clearly built in to the code or I'm absolutely wrong but since I've started to pay more attention to it, it seems that it's true (and perhaps a little wrong.) If there is a timeframe that this chops over, what is it? Thanks for anyone that has this information.

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The answer is not directly related to the blessings; it's related to how league snapshots work.

Blessings are applied immediately, but league teams are not updated in real time. Instead, leagues use a concept of "Snapshots", where the teams are updated once every 6 hours (15~30 minutes after reset, and then every 6 hours).

You always see your own team in real time, but not opponents (And conversely, your opponents see your Snapshot team, not your current team). This includes girls, blessings, equipment, etc.

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