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Improvements for Clubs


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In both Daily Contests and League Rankings the national flags of the participating players are displayed.

I think it would be helpful if the same information was also available in the list of club members as it can help with realizing which
members live in different time zones and therefore possibly can't be reached via chat when you yourself are online.

There's certainly enough room for it as this plump paint edit shows:

It might be also helpful in general to organize the club members across the whole day i.e. for coordinated assaults against club champions.

Also, concerning the "Golden piggys" which are accumulated as "Contributions" when battling the club champion. As far as I know so far they're not
really worth anything beyond bragging rights and visual representation of one's involvement in the club.

It's these I'm speaking about:


So why not make them useful in a way?

I've got multiple ideas how to implement a use for them.

1. Introduce a "club shop" where club members can exchange "Golden Piggys" for different items like gem packs, equipment sets (both hero and guy variants), Pachinko orbs or even keys for the next Sultry event.
2. Introduce further club bonuses like the synergy bonuses from guys in your harem, but instead of cash and kobans to level them up you spend "Golden piggys", they could include all eight elements and all possible sex poses giving small extra percentage (0.1% per level) bonuses to attack or ego like equipment pieces do (the poses) and further increase the specific elemental bonuses (the elements).
3. Introduce an internal "club trade port" where club members can put up equipment pieces for sale they don't need but might be helpful to other club members which then can be purchased using "Golden piggys" as payment.
4. Each club member can put up to three guys from his harem for display (except Mythics) for other members to see. If other members don't have the guy in their harem and they are interested in him they might pay certain amounts of "Golden Piggys" once a week to gain a few shards for one of the displayed guys, thus allowing club members to assist each other in slowly gaining other guys, propping up another teamwork aspect. Might also be especially interesting for newer/poorer players who don't have a big koban income to slowly save up towards guys they missed from events.

Ideas such as these above would also give more incentive to enter, stay and participate in a club.

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