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Change club leader without support access


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I got banned, but I'm not here to complain about it, I'm here for the player left behind who have nothing to do about this.

Since I'm ban I can't  use support to ask to give to someone in my club on HH the leadership, same when i try to contact them via another site like CxH on kinkoid it's a general ban, or if it's here on the forum I don't find it, "support" in the research bar wasn't efficient, and no topic except this one look good enought for this.

If there is any automatic measure for this case, ok, have a good day enjoy your playing.

If not, how can I do something for them ?

I don't know any of them personally,

I was the only one how give them bonus code or some info in the chat, but despite that some of them were very active, and I don't want to lock them with a dead leadership.

There is no co-leader since no one ask it and I was ok to manage it alone.

Some info about: club name is "she is stuck step bro" or "she's stuck step bro" don't remember the exact writing.

And for the player to get the leadership the more legitimate is "dodonite" he was the best ratio contributing/time in the club.

Bonus if in some way my resources can go to boost the club bonus for them.

Thanks for your replies.





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