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No battle won girls

Big P

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I'e not won any girls in battle for about a month. I spend all my battle points on them and don' seem to get any of the girls. The last summer break event I didn' get a girl. Even though I spent everything on them?? What' goin on!??

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6 hours ago, snig.spaxe said:

Same, I have 1 girl left in the Invaded Kingdom and I am nearly finished with the Jury Sea, so zero for 4.

Well, that's actually 2 for 6, because you did win 2 from Gruntt.  Also, did you win any from Dark Lord or Ninja Spy?

The girls drop very infrequently, and it seems like it gets worse as you progress.  I'm about 1/3 of the way through the Magic Forest.  I have all 3 of Dark Lord's girls.  However, between Ninja Spy, Gruntt, Edwarda, Donatien, and Now Sylvanus, I have 2 girls out of a possible 15.  So your 2 for 6 doesn't look so bad to me ;)

Keep on fighting!

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I'm counting 765 fights against Bremen for his last girl.  Since I begin counting fights, the longest amount of fights that I did for a girl was for Silvanus first girl: 807 fights. I heard that some people fight more than 1000 times for boss drops. In compensation, got Hildr with 20 fighs and Viola with 48 fights.

In the end, this random drop rating is part of the Hentai Heroes experience.



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Before the Legendary Days event, I was in the Invaded Kingdom having won all of the battle drop girls available, up to that point. This included event girls from Valentine's Day, A Second Chance, and Spring Break. Since the Legendary Days event began, I completed The Juy Sea, leveled Edwarda up to 100 (for a few days, now) and haven't won any of the battle girls, nor Levitya. That is a drastic change in drop rates. Either I was incredibly lucky, up to that point, or some code was changed.

Either way, I'm quickly losing interest in the game, since I can't win new girls.

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yo tengo 30 chicas lo cual me preocupa ya que yo ansiaba tener lasde segunda oportunidad despues de eso tuve que ahorrar por lo menos 570 kobas para poder tener al sucubo despues de eso dure unmes sin tener una chica, luego gane las del evente actual, la ultima de gruntt, las 3 de eduerda y una de donatien ademas de ello solo 20 energias es muy poco para las peleas contra los jefes 

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5 minutes ago, jonathan92 said:

yo tengo 30 chicas lo cual me preocupa ya que yo ansiaba tener lasde segunda oportunidad despues de eso tuve que ahorrar por lo menos 570 kobas para poder tener al sucubo despues de eso dure unmes sin tener una chica, luego gane las del evente actual, la ultima de gruntt, las 3 de eduerda y una de donatien ademas de ello solo 20 energias es muy poco para las peleas contra los jefes 

For more convenience the google translation:

I have 30 girls which worries me since I longed to have the second chance after that I had to save at least 570 kobas to be able to have the succubus after that lasts unmes without having a girl, then win those of the current evente, the last of gruntt, the 3 of eduerda and one of donatien besides it only 20 energies is too little for the fights against the bosses

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7 hours ago, HFC said:

Before the Legendary Days event, I was in the Invaded Kingdom having won all of the battle drop girls available, up to that point. This included event girls from Valentine's Day, A Second Chance, and Spring Break. Since the Legendary Days event began, I completed The Juy Sea, leveled Edwarda up to 100 (for a few days, now) and haven't won any of the battle girls, nor Levitya. That is a drastic change in drop rates. Either I was incredibly lucky, up to that point, or some code was changed.

Either way, I'm quickly losing interest in the game, since I can't win new girls.


If you won ALL 9 girls from Dark Lord, Ninja Spy, and Gruntt by the time you got to the Juy Sea, then the answer is: you were incredibly lucky up to that point.

Most of the posts in this thread have been made by people incredibly new to the game, so let me explain it clearly to you all.  The girl drop rate in this game is frustratingly low.  Early on, girls drop quick.  You get several free girls immediately, and because you are only fighting Dark Lord initially, his pity timer rises and he tends to drop girls at a higher rate.  However, as you move forward the bosses become increasingly stingy with girls.  If you expect to get a new girl every few days like you did when you started, you are sorely mistaken (there's a reason everybody starts complaining right around the time they fight Gruntt or Edwarda).

No point complaining, this is how the game is designed.  If you got all the girls quickly and leveled them all up then there would be nothing to do.  Take your time, check in every once in a while, and slowly but surely your harem will grow.

To put it in perspective - I am currently just reaching the end of the Magic Forest, World 7. I have received all 3 girls from Dark Lord (Lord knows I've fought him enough during all the events).  However, the later bosses (Ninja Spy, Gruntt, Edwarda, Donatien, and Sylvanus) have been dicks about dropping their girls.  Out of the 15 available girls from those 5 bosses, I have only 3.

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event girls have set drop rate so no matter how many times players grind it wont change.. unless devs decide to do something about it, on the other hand boss girl drop rate may rise with wins with no drops (thats what I read, not sure how much it raises:ph34r:). Once it reaches to last girl of bosses the most frustrating part begins..., Most of the players do not get all the boss girls before completion of world when they reach invaded kingdom. 

I got all the girls from dark lord and ninja spy since I started playing. Gruntt still has 2, edwarda all 3, donatien 0 (got them from epic pachinko B| except pelagie) 

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Neither your energy nor your combativity has anything to do with your ability to fight other players since you can fight 3 of them every 30 minutes for free. Sidenote: You can do whatever you want to do, but you'll never ever be able to fight against other players. You can tell la maquina to roll a dice and if you're lucky, you (ok, not you but the dice la maquina rolled for you) will beat someone elses stats. No skills, no interaction, so why the fuzz? Dunno why everyone calls this system PvP. La maquina vs la maquina would fit much better. Loves to play with herself, that cheeky little b*%&§$ :P

edit: oh, and this is an english forum. You could at least give it a try ....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still haven't won any of the girls from Edwarda nor Donatien, but I did just win Hari from Dark Lord. Here's to LUCK! ¬¬



EDIT: I have now also won Rabbi.

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