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My way to Norou (Legendary days part 2)


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Hey, I am back with my documentation/experience with the legendary event. Some of you might remember my post from the last event (you might want to check it out first, especially if you consider buying kobans for the event girl).


First of all I have to say that usually event girls are very achievable even without spending kobans - since I started playing I pretty much got every event girl (including revival events) within the time frame of the event without spending any kobans. Generally it takes roughly one week to get both, sometimes less, sometimes more. 

So with that being said/repeated. This time went MUCH better for me (last time it took me OVER 1300 fights). This time it took me 15 refills and some extra energy - so probably in total ~20 refills. So less than 400 fights. The dropchance for the gifts seems to be at ~1.5-2% (the sample size is quite low tho, so it might not be too accurate). 

For obvious reason the extent of this legendary event personally felt much better, but with the experience of last event in mind it it still seems very unrewarding. The addition of higher dropchances for affection items at least give a lot more money value for refills - if we assume an average price for the gifts of ~500k and a dropchance of 1.5% with base income of 5.5k (at max level) for the villain it nearly doubles the money value. On the other hand you do not do events for the money as one would earn much more from the highest villain anyway. So although droprates for gifts were buffed it really feels like a useless/pseudobuff and it does not address the problem of the event. So spammfighting just for the gifts is pointless as the last villains will net much more money.

As soon as one gets into the clickspam of battleing+refilling energy it just becomes really annoying because you literally sit there for 30-60 mins mindlessly clicking.


I probably will be back for the next event as there was a big differences in droprates for me between both events. People like to present their 'lucky drops' with only a couple of tries. I like to report an unbiased regular event experience and show what you might have to expect (see the insane amout of tries needed for the first event).

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