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Lvl ranged groups for the weekly challenge


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first i wanna say i like the new weekly challenges.

i even believe the decision which activities give which reward are well done,

because the activities for ingame-cash are the daily based ones, that you should do anyways,

while the koban-activities you can save for and decide "tactically" to spent resources on them or not...


but i think what the system still really needs are lvl-ranged groups.

right now the differences are (too) huge between higher and lower lvl players in income, chances to get drop girls,

time needed to get the next story girl, rarity of affection items offered at market etc, etc, etc...


so there should be lvl based groups, similar to the ones at the shorter activities-challenges,

but i think they cant be the same ones...

the thinner the air gets at higher lvls the bigger the lvl range need to be... at least i would guess that...

because every group need a reasonable amount of players to set up a good challenge...


so i dont dare to suggest any group size in specific,

but i truly believe it would make the whole system better

and more challenging - in an enjoyable way - for everyone...


greetings, Skiron


Edit PS:

just thought, maybe the groups should just be:

- the 5ooo players with the highest lvl grp 1

- next 5ooo players following up grp 2

- next 5ooo players following up grp 3... and so on and on and on...

this would keep groups at a fixed size, no matter how many players are in a certain set lvl range or not...


moreover - and pls dont lynchmob me for saying this - lower lvl groups should get reduced rewards then,

because for once they have to invest less to compete and it reduces winners advantage for the next week,

or better said: keeps the advantage balanced through all groups...

Edited by Skiron
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