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Timer on homepage for events (also market, boosters, tower of fame, pachinko)


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It can be a little confusing knowing when an event will end (how long we have to recruit event girls). The difference in time zones mean that the date can be different from what's given in the announcement (the date may be the 25th in the announcement, but that means the 24th for most of the United States).



Similar to the timers for harem income, activities, and arena, create an event timer on the homepage / town screen. A good spot for this timer might be at the top right beneath the navigation button.

Additionally, it'd be nice to have timers for when the market is refreshing, our next booster is expiring, the weekly tower of fame competitions end, and the next free spin for Pachinko.

Edit: And, using the same timer to show when the next event will BEGIN, would also be much appreciated.

Edited by exception4lly
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52 minutes ago, exception4lly said:

Additionally, it'd be nice to have timers for when the market is refreshing, our next booster is expiring, the weekly tower of fame competitions end, and the next free spin for Pachinko.

there are timers already for all of this...

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46 minutes ago, Skiron said:

there are timers already for all of this...

The suggestion is for timers on the homepage (town screen) specifically. There are timers for each of these things, but they're hidden in other screens.

Edited by exception4lly
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The suggestion is great, and I've already asked this before as well.

Right now you shall have to use the 5am GMT+2 on day X, and put that into google with the addition of local time.
Google is very good at that.

Anyway, that's besides the point that a big timer on the homepage would be nice to have.

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53 minutes ago, GeorgeMTO said:

The team has now started to add times and time zones to the announcements, which hopefully helps people figure out when an event ends.

And except for legendary days, you can also check the timer visible on the pachinko.

Yes, the announcements have the date in GMT, which, as I explained, can be on a different day entirely, depending on your time zone. For instance, in the USA, the current event started on the 24th and will end on the 29th, due to time zone differences. Yes, a clock app will show you what time it is GMT, BUT, it would be so much more convenient for ALL players, if there were just a timer on the homepage, reminding us when the event is going to end. You've probably noticed, that even with the date inclusion in the announcements, players still complain about being blindsided when the event ends. This is a *suggestion* (an enhancement request) NOT a bug report, so it doesn't matter if the information already is available, I'm *suggesting* that it could be more available and more convenient. Please +1 this suggestion if you agree.

And, as we talk about it, a timer showing how long it will be until the next event BEGINS, would be nice as well.

Edited by exception4lly
Got a date wrong
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I don't really feel sympathy for players who don't know how to do a time zone conversion. That's a very basic skill if you're going to play games online. Or be an adult. (note GMT+2, not GMT)

Since you requested it: -1

I feel this is unnecessary and would rather the devs did other things. The information is already available, players just need to learn how to use what's there.

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I didn't feel like this was necessary to explain before, but evidently it is, but I actually use a timer app (Timer+) on my phone, that I use to get notifications whenever something expires or comes available in any of the games that I'm playing. So, I personally don't really need this. I've already found a better solution.

However, the devs sent a survey asking people how they could make the experience better, I figured that I should submit all of the suggestions that I've been sitting on, so that they'd have them as they decide how to make the experience better. Whether or not this enhancement is a good use of their resources is not for me to decide. For all I know, they have a new coder who needs a small project to get his feet wet. This post provides that opportunity.

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