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Legendary item... Hmmm...


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I have been nosing though the threads and searching to no avail for the answer to the darkest of questions... Answerable only by Jessie or Chthuga; perhaps GeorgeMTO… Hmmm... 

At any rate, is there such a mythical item as a "Legendary Booster" or "Legendary Book"?

This question in itself, raises two more - If there is not, why? And if so, how does one aquire them?

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You can't find any information about it because they don't exist.

Legendary Girls, Legendary Equipment and Legendary Gifts. They are the only legendarys that exists. Booster are already considered useless and adding another rarity will not change that. Books on the other hand will be liked. However that "might" give the player just enough XP to have a full roster of girls that are maxed level, "if" they spend a few Kobans. A little hint, the Devs don't want us to have max anything. Keeps the Free to Play players always two steps behind. Feels more inclined to spend money.

If you really want to argue that we have a purple Avatar Backgrounds and that they are "legendary." Explain what the color blue is doing then?

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6 hours ago, Yamamura said:

If you really want to argue that we have a purple Avatar Backgrounds and that they are "legendary." Explain what the color blue is doing then?

maybe the preparation for a new rarity called 'unicorn'? ^_^

on topic: yamamura's explanation seems pretty extensive. one might argue the usefulness of (legendary) boosters but legendaries of everything else are appreciated more so i can settle with 'useless'. other than that there is nothing to add.

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