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Why was there no prior-announcement for the discount? 😧 

I´m pretty sure i´m not the only one who used his Kobans on the first day of the event and it is kinda frustrating to have 30% of it go to waste :/

I doubt that it will happen but i will still ask: 

Would it be possible for me and others to get the 30% back to reinvest it?

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You're correct, however, it is also true that big sales are usually announced a few days beforehand.:|

Additionally, it is generally better to wait until the last day, however not when you're almost certain that you will need to use some refills and using them now helps you win a contest or two. Other than this I can never understand why some people use refills before the last day.

At times like these, it helps to look at ones who had been far unluckier than you (like this guy or these ones) and count your lucky stars and remind yourself that you, untrue as it may appear, were actually one of the luckier ones.o.O

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yeah like you though it was for the contest and since there are that many girls for 4 days its nearly impossible to spend too much beforehand.

Also i´m not actually that dissatisfied (neither that happy though xD) i got 2 girls, more then in the 4 day event 3 weeks ago where i got 1 with over 10k Kobans^^

But even for the tiny chance of getting a refund it´s at least worth trying^^

Edited by Hentai-san
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On 11/23/2018 at 3:21 AM, Chthugha said:

It's like in real life: if you buy something, and the day after it has a discount, then you won't get your money back.

Most department stores will honor the discount if you stop by with the receipt during the sale. However, even if you don't you can buy the item again, and then return the old one (or return the new item with the old receipt). 

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