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inflating my ego


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Ego increases as you level up, get gear with more of your specialty points (some gear has only endurance points but I focus on my specialty), and/or buy points in the market.  Dark Lord has a tutorial for the battles that is somewhat useful.  It seems that you want an Alpha girl with the most points in your specialty as possible (my specialty is Know how and my three battlers are the three girls in my harem with the highest know how points).  My suggestion would be focus on leveling up, increasing you harem, leveling up girls (especially the strongest in your specialty), and on occasion paying to level up (the cost goes up the more points you purchase, so it is not as cost beneficial as you buy more). 

Above is how I have maneuvered through the game and might not be exactly accurate, but hopefully someone with more knowledge will correct any of my errors.


Hope this provides some clarity.


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I agree with Lastbastard . The fastest way, is, if you have ymen( normal currency from the game) is getting stats from the market for your specialty. After this, getting a girl with your specialty helps on the result of getting more ego and doing more damage on fights. Besides those, getting equipment on your specialty helps you as much as you buying the stats, but they tend to get very expensive and they don't rise up your level as you do . Leveling your harem girls, helps you get a higher ego as result . In the long run you'll end up searching for 5star girls of your specialty , looking for them to be epic or legendary, as your gear. Hope it helps you , sorry for any misunderstand or bad english.


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