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Everything posted by LastBastard

  1. It is 1 hour after (well actually an hour and five minutes) and mine has not changed. I think you had a good theory but I am not sure if it is holding up.
  2. Well I feel like a fool, but at least I am not the only one. I had saved up my fights for event and refilled twice to the tune of 427 kobans. Hopefully they will do something for those of us who did not catch on quickly, but more immediate hopefully the event will be fixed soon.
  3. Same here. I was not sure if I needed to clear cache or cookies, but it looks like I am not the only one having an issue.
  4. I think this has been correct.
  5. It would appear that the message in the regular Hentai Heroes had the message for the Gay Harem Heroes post, or else there is a major change coming to the game.
  6. I just let it run, I seem to do better when I do not skip.
  7. I have had it happen to me as well. Normally it was a couple of thousand, and in the second match on. I thought it might be a remainder from the previous match (the final blow put me ~$5k and that was the difference), but this just happened to me. This was the first round and I had 99k remaining, that seems to be a bit much.
  8. I would prefer Samane, however it is just a mistake and they happen. I am not sure if their intention was to ever have it be Samane. Some people seem to be really upset by this, not posting on this thread, but it is a game and it was an error. I agree with Pepe Lolo, "Just relax and wait to monday."
  9. The News for Summer Life says " And Edwarda is craving Samane's" but the shows Eugenie in the picture. I have Eugenie and cannot win a girl, but I do not know if the News has the wrong name or if the game s not displaying the correct person.
  10. Fuck: Mavin Marry: Kalissa Friendzone: Mani HH ID : 811920
  11. I did not know that was possible. Congratulations on your good fortune.
  12. Ego increases as you level up, get gear with more of your specialty points (some gear has only endurance points but I focus on my specialty), and/or buy points in the market. Dark Lord has a tutorial for the battles that is somewhat useful. It seems that you want an Alpha girl with the most points in your specialty as possible (my specialty is Know how and my three battlers are the three girls in my harem with the highest know how points). My suggestion would be focus on leveling up, increasing you harem, leveling up girls (especially the strongest in your specialty), and on occasion paying to level up (the cost goes up the more points you purchase, so it is not as cost beneficial as you buy more). Above is how I have maneuvered through the game and might not be exactly accurate, but hopefully someone with more knowledge will correct any of my errors. Hope this provides some clarity.
  13. Lola Loche HenatiHeroes.com ID 811920
  14. I would also like to see legendary books. No matter when you use them or how much they boost the scores, I could not (if desired) rank up most of my harem without refreshing the market an absurd amount. If the bottom row was all epic spell books (500 xp), I could boost a girl 2000 xp. Currently I am lvl 248 with 108 Girls. The amount needed to max out a girl is as follows Common/starter =7231, Rare = 8653, Epic = 10076, Legendary = 11498. The increase to the next level would result in an increase of Common/starter =64, Rare = 76, Epic = 89, Legendary = 102, though each number is not that high the total amount needed to increase all girls to the total level would be 8103. The number does not include adding any new girls. I try to buy every book every time the market refreshes and I cannot stay close to keeping up. To me, it seems like a flaw that you cannot keep up, even when staying vigilant on the market refresh (I set a timer on my phone to try to minimize down time but do not wake up in the night to refresh the market). If the developers do not wish to create legendary books, maybe the rewards can be tweaked so that after certain levels common books are not awarded as gifts, and epic books are greatly increased. I still see mainly common and rare books in the market and receive them as rewards from contests and Pachinko. I do not have the same amount of difficulty keeping up with affection and I think that is why this issues perplexes me as much as it does.
  15. I use snipping tool. I find it quick and easy.
  16. I am slightly confused by league play and why (besides letting battles max out) would anyone pay to play extra. At the end of the event I could not challenge any more people in the event. If I keep my strongest team in the battles and I can fight every person the max amount of times, then the ending results only vary on: people not playing, people missing terms and not buying them back, or people putting sub-optimal teams. In my opinion, the league has less skill than desired. In my current wanker 2 league the lowest level is 55 with ~22k excitement, the highest level is 297 with ~147k excitement. You cannot climb leagues unless you play, so any league besides the bottom would have people playing to a degree. I think it is safe to assume that if people are playing they are not putting out a purposely weak team, sowhat strategy can you use to better results. I could figure out about how many points I will have at the end of the week now. I was hoping for something less predictable, but I do like the rewards.
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