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  1. First, don't buy Affection Items and only buy single stat equipment from the market. Buy Great Pachinko's after you level up. You can get your money back in affection items and books that are overpriced in market. I would raise all the girls to at least 2 stars. This gives more money and gives you longer to collect the money. If you are rolling in cash, you can also buy stats directly in the market. I personally wouldn't buy Epic Pachinko's just get because you might get a drop you could have gotten in story mode. You can do the math like I am this week. It will take me about 100 Kubons to get to the next Event girl I would otherwise miss and I can spend another 800 Kubons to refresh my energy to get it to drop. I'll make more money off the boss battles then selling 9 legendary equipments and a near guarenteed event girl drop. Otherwise, just save until you clear some levels and get some normal girls. I would only level up your fighting team of girls. Save the other books for Contests.
  2. The Problem One of the problems of Tower of Fame is that there are a lot of old and inactive accounts. And they sit where they are at because they no longer play. This causes problems at all ranks of the ladder. For Beginners: Especially after the legendary item changes, old items are stronger. Well, back when HH 2.0 was launched everyone got a full set of legendary armor which is fine if you outrank it but if you joined for the promotion and left you will have a low level account with full legendary gear (which is stronger then you could buy anyways). Even with full item boosts and Epic gear you can't come close. Along with the fact these accounts can offer little to no Mojo for beating because they don't play) Now you could just remove them but if you boost their Mojo when people lose to them you can also self correct the problem. For High Ranked Players - You get examples where a #63 player is weaker then a rank ~50,000 player. And if they don't play then they will never drop and the problem will never self-correct. Everyone Else - Everyone else just suffers in some way or another. You can play someone who has higher stats and you got "lucky" to beat but just win 1 Mojo because it is inactive and low Mojo. Or an active account that has no chance, you smash it, and win 32 Mojo. It just doesn't make sense and you can't even guess if an opponent is worth more on stats alone until you click the match and see the Mojo reward. (I've had a 3k Ego opponent worth 32 Mojo and an 11k Ego opponent worth 2 in the same Arena pool. ) ---- So how do we fix this? I think the best way to fix this is to make your Mojo dynamic. Earn/lose Mojo when someone plays your character and wins/loses. To make sure it doesn't snowball out of control I would make the person who is challenged only lose/gain 25% of the Mojo. (The challenger gets 100%). This would force players to self correct the ladder and can be limited or accelerated in two ways. You can have this only apply to Tower of Fame challenges. This will encourage players to seek out these "bad" accounts, challenge them, and drop them to their real rank. It would be more limited but weed out the top accounts that don't belong there. It would only reward the people who hunt down theses weak accounts early and then balance out (because if these people boost to high then other players will hunt them down until there is balance) If you don't want to create a penalty for targeting classes you are strong against, you can make it more random/fair by only using this in Arena. This would also work faster as more people have fights in Arena then on TOF challenges. This would also boost/correct those full legendary beginner accounts out of real beginners levels as well as accelerate the fixes all over ladder. After a few weeks the ladder would be balanced out and you could implement a reward or incentive structure for TOF if you wanted. You could even make it more accurate after a few months by matching you with a Mojo range instead of level. No more 1 MOJO matches and it would refine the ladder even more once it has balanced out.
  3. The only thing I have found is that your "Excitement" goes up when you increase affection? You would think increasing Affection would make you stronger (your Ego/HP goes up along with your attack).
  4. Just curious about this game mechanic. On one hand a "high" number could be the bar and require more effort to fill. On the other a "highly excitable" girl would intuitively orgasm faster. Can anyone explain how this mechanic works for combat and if higher or lower is better?
  5. Your stat type (Hardcore, Charm, Know-How) determines how you do against other stat types. For this example we will say you are "Hardcore". By increasing your stat you increase your Ego (HP) and essentially your attack. It is the most important attribute to increase. The other 2 stats are just your defense against those attributes. The second most important stat to increase is your weakness because you receive a 20% penalty. Hardcore is weak to Charm. The last stat to increase is against your strenght (here, Know-How). This is because you already receive a 20% bonus against them and shouldn't need the stat help. --- For the more complex math, this is how your battle damage is calculated. Battle Stats and Where They Come From[Team Battle Attack Power] = [Hero's Hardcore stat] + 3 × [Alpha's Hardcore stat][Team Battle Ego] = [Hero's Endurance stat] + [Alpha's Hardcore stat] × [Alpha-Specific Ego Boost Multiplier][Team Battle Excitation] = 28 × ( [Alpha's Hardcore stat] + [Alpha's Charm stat] + [Alpha's Know-how stat] )
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