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Everything posted by eolsunder

  1. Yep luck with criticals factors into battle quite a bit. I often fight players with equal stats that I have, same health, crit rate, type, and ill have 500 more damage on average than them so I figure yep, ill win. Nope. They will get 3 crits in the battle while I get 0, and they win. It happens. Luck and random chance play a huge factor even if you figure out the odds and go "I'm way ahead in the odds, I won't lose". Then next thing you know, you and them have 18% crit chance, you'll get 0 while they hit 3 and defeat you.
  2. mm that gives me something to think about, and it seems a great idea macdiddy. You have 5400 and thinking of doing the 10x. But you are a newer player and realize lots of boss girls still out. Instead of using the 5400 on 10x, use it to progress through the missions more until you get to the next boss level, where 3 new girls await. At 165 for energy refresh, I can blast through 10 refreshes for only 1650, 20 for 3300. I can refresh my battle for 170, 10 refreshes for 1700. And doing all that, instead of the 5400 kobans for the 10x, you can probably easily get to the next boss area, and have a pretty good chance to pick up those boss girls from the new boss, making good experience and money while doing so. 10 refreshes of battle, 16 battles each, 160 battles at 5k profit = 800k money. Not a bad idea for a lower level guy. But that's only if your thinking of playing 10x for getting a girl. I guess the 10x would still be fine for the epic/legendary gear since you really don't see that much in the market (gear wise) you might get, but for the chance for the girls, at lower levels it seems a good way to go if you really are itching to spend 5400 kobans it might be feasible to jump ahead in the story to the next boss girls instead of doing 10x epic.
  3. yes but there isn't anything really to do in the game but to get the cash and just upgrade stuff, so really whats the point in doing the game if you are trying to skimp on upgrading and buying stuff. Really you just have the battles, once in a while wasting your energy and fight points in the adventures (and once you max not even using energy for anything), and slowly upgrading your girls and your stats with regular money, once in a while you might find a market item to buy. Game is ment to pass the time that way, trying to bypass some stuff really just eliminates the reason to spend time in the game.
  4. well yea I won't do 10x epic for a very long time. First, Kobans don't raise normally fast unless your getting packages, etc. So it will be very very slow anyway. And yes, you don't want to waste that "free girl" on a normal boss drop unless you are much further into the game where the event girls will have a better chance. So new players don't want to use kobans for a good chance for a normal girl drop, but more advanced players who don't have many boss girl drops left due to not many boss's left, have a much higher chance during events to get a non-boss girl, and they might go ahead and just try for the event girls. I havent' played 10x epic simply because Ive been playing a little while and only have 2k kobans, they don't come very fast. So those are ALWAYS going to be either when I'm bored with the game, or very far into the future when I have collected most of the normal girls. but really the regular money is only for the market, and raising battle stats. Experience isn't a huge deal until your much higher levels, low level girls don't require epic experience books to max out fast. Plus good to save raising non-battle girls for events. Affection gives you more collectable money, but at a longer time frame so higher affection is great for those who don't get on as much during the day and can't collect as often. Battle stats? well, unless you find that awesome legendary item in the market, not really much to spend money on there either. I'll just keep doing a little of everything until I see something that really stands out that is different than the others. Thanks all. Truthfully I like the stuff in the game, and really the xxx picture stuff I don't even worry about any more, its kinda of fades off when you have regular porn on the internet you can look at. Doing the actual game stuff is much more fun.
  5. well since I'm talking about the best way to spend the regular money , not the kobans. Already read that 10x for kobans is the best use for that, but I won't even be spending kobans for anything for a long time, going to take a long time to save them up lol.
  6. well I don't think that playing 10x pachinko is the best way to gain affection items. Just looking at it, I can spend 100k to play 10x 3 times, so 30 drops, and doubtful that id get 250 affiction worth of items from 100k. I can spend 100k in the market for 250 affection points worth of items. Pretty sure pachinko is best used if your trying for equipment, not affection items.
  7. yep my level 18 epic items are about 200 stats (200 rose stat) , a level 56 epic item is 466. One of those legendary level 15 items is 452 stats PLUS critical boost. So those low end dragon pieces are really very overpowering and equal to a level 60 epic piece of equipment. And that is just a level 15 piece. A level 25 piece is 632 stats PLUS critical. So yes, very very strong items even for inactive players that are still hanging around from last year that low level guys run into in the battles.
  8. yea its very annoying when you go up against battle opponents and they have all legendary dragon armor on, even the lower level guys. It's Sooooo overpowering.
  9. as a newer player, that's the best to spend the regular money on. Should you be upgrading your battle stats from the market, or building up the affection with your girls. More affection = more money collected I guess every so often, so does that payback the money spent better, or is the longer duration to "get paid" make upgrading your battle stats more important. I've kinda been doing both, upgrading all affection a little with the girls, but since I'm a Rose I've been upgrading my Rose girls affection more.
  10. the game is worthless unless you have an automatic fast click mouse, so you just let the mouse click super fast to rack up kills, etc. Manually clicking is the stupidest thing. So, great for autoclicker, worthless to manually have to click 1000zillion times.
  11. affection also boosts the amount of money your girl gives you that you can collect. Usually it will boost the amount, and also the time it takes to collect that amount.
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