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Everything posted by Insemenator

  1. Tnx, Oliver66. Cleared my cache, and HH is OK. But CxH keeps flashing after opening in new tab, so I quickly close that tab to prevent getting banned from HH too. EDIT: Running CxH in an incognito tab now - works, but hope it's a temp workaround
  2. Same here, also in Chrome. When the screen is reloading all the time, the Disconnect from FB extension is flashing. I removed it, and waited for the banned time-out before reloading. Then on reload, the same happens again, and my Ublock pop-up blocker extension keeps flashing. Banned again, from both HH and CxH, dammit!
  3. I called myself Insemenator. In contrast to the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and Daleks from Dr Who (Exterminate!!), I create life HH 179026
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