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Everything posted by docblade

  1. So you're basically giving the finger to some people (like me) who worked hard to build up affection with some girls that are unavailable now. For some girls, the tokens were the only way to get them without waiting a year or longer. EDIT: And i bet i can tell what your next step will be: "Hey, remember Tokens? Here is a special offer for you. Buy the tokens for the cheap price of 2000 koban each"
  2. Last month, me and my bf helped a friend bury her cat that had passed away. My BF, a firm believer in witchcraft and magic, performed a ritual to help the cat find peace in the afterlife. I was still sad since a good friend of mine had passed away at this day some time ago, but i agreed to help, so i helped. When we were done, we left the clearing were we performed the ritual. As i was about to leave the clearing, i felt a hand at my back gently pushing me forward, but my friends were in front of me. I heard some rustling leafes as if someone walked away and my BF looked worried behind me, but when i turned around, there was nothing. Strangely, my sadness vanished in that moment i felt the hand at my back, and my BF still refuses to tell me what or who she saw. ID: 626176 Girl: Halloween Lupa Platform: PC
  3. Every time i want to login at Gay Harem, it says that my password is invalid. But every time i want to reset my Password, i never get any email. I already emailed the support about it, but never got any answer. Anyone else having that problem? I dont want to start from 0 with a new mail again
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