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  1. Les actualités sont accessibles en cliquant sur la petite boite aux lettres en bas à gauche quand tu es dans le jeu. L'erreur que j'ai remonté hier a été corrigée.
  2. Can't get to chap 5 either. I saw this morning the padlock for the 6th chapter, until then I thought that chap was still not released ... I am pretty angry as I can't really progress further with resetting chap 3 and 4 again and again, gaining access to chap 5 would be refreshing to me.
  3. Je relance : 25 octobre 2020, le texte des Actualités fait référence à des "bites à sucer" et autres références qui ne devraient concerner que Gay Harem. ça commence à me gêner, je joue à Hentai Heroes uniquement, j'ai beau être ouvert d'esprit le lundi matin je n'ai pas envie de lire que je vais sucer des bites. Merci Kinko d'être plus vigilant.
  4. tout est indiqué dans le titre : lorsque l'on ouvre le pachinko d'événement, les images défilantes à droite au dessus des récompenses incluent des images qui ne sont pas liées à HH.
  5. And I'm sure it was. They thought resetting was the thing to do. Maybe this was intended to fix things. But they didn't tested it properly. Test server still has old version of the "new" clicker. I guess there was a lack of testing and a lack of planning for this. Maybe a lack of analyze on the impacts too ? They seemed to have included compensation mechanisms in the reset : Ryos and Contacts Affection where favorably impacted. So in fact it does look like something planned. But planning to do something is not enough to do it well.
  6. I used it. I used it so much that I had maxed Chap 1-3, unlocked few skills in first tree, hopping to unlock last skill in a matter of days, then one day saw came back to see that I had "-280" points left. Whow. How was I supposed to get back +480 points in order to spend 200 for the last skill ? What a joke. I was so laughing (sarcasm, I was not). So reset was on this point of view not so bad. But as resetting "Transcendance" in a "pretty-well functionning game" would not be so bad, here it is completely useless to reset it in an absolute mess where nothing works as expected. Kinkoid needs help.
  7. Thought I was the only one unable to reset. Guess I'm not ! Contacts : I got 44K to max few of them back Chats : I didn't talked a lot to the girls though Transcendance : Since previous update I was at something negative like -280 transcendance point so I guess starting over at 0 ain't that bad. But looks like it's still pretty rigged. I'm having problems to go back at the 60 max transcendance points of chapter 2. Story resetted : Little annoying, growing back to chapter 3 is a matter of minutes, chapter 4 will take a little longer, nothing to really worry of. Crafts : I'll get them back when I'll have Mojo back. Reset to get Mojo : SIMPLY DON'T WORK, MAKING ALL OF THIS CLICKERY-CLICK POINTLESS AS WE CAN'T REALLY GO FURTHER BY INCREASING OUR CLICK AND IDLE STAT ANYMORE. Is not "resetting the game" the first use-case to try when checking on an incremental game ? What the hell Kinko ? As a free-user (exceptionnal 1 time buyer few monthes ago) I can understand choice to work on paid features first and then correct bugs in spare time. But there, this time, it really looks like you're crashing things without even knowing it. Don't you have any experienced software developper who may be able to help you fix things. Like make sure each and every member of the team know it's true role and enforce processes in order to maintain an acceptable quality level ? I would really love to help you not reproduce things like that. Get in touch at some time if you think you need help. I'm quite experienced with development flow, quality processes and "cheap and working" team processes.
  8. Merci pour l'info. Une petite communication officielle dans le patch note aurait pas été de trop ...
  9. Interesting fact : graphic assets are not enough (or not at all) optimized. For example take a look at this splash picture with alpha. Optimized size should be only a third of original picture weight, without any quality loss. As for a procedural clicker, a big lot of assets may be of this kind (RGBA pictures).
  10. Hi everybody ! I would like to report something that really matters to me : boobs are pretty much always moving in the wrong directions. I am particularly shocked to see boobs moving in the same direction as the body ! Do they have small rocket propulsor that send them up when body is moving in the up direction ? That was rhetorical : No, they don't. Think of boobs as a pair of soft and joy-filled bags attached to the body by elastic strings : when body moves in direction A, the string start to stretch (depending of how much weight the bag) and the bag does not start to follow the body direction until a "max stretch" is reached. Then the boob-body distance start to decrease until "min stretch" is reached, even if body changed direction in the meantime. To make it simpler, and to simulate an 'acceptable boobs-elasticness' without causing headaches, it would be nicer to make the boobs go in the same direction of the chest, multiplied by a factor <1 (I don't know, something like 0.3 to 0.6 maybe ?) to simulate boobies inertia, and with a small time shift (0.5 to 1s as the animation are not quite fast ?) I hope I helped clarifying things here. A great idea would be to take small front rushes of naked real women with all sizes of boobs doing the same moves as the animations. I would gladly help to interpret those for you and give you my expert point of view on tiddies moves !! with lots of love.
  11. Bonjour à tous.Très honnêtement, je trouve ça lourd quand je veux XP ou Séduire mes filles depuis le shop de passer plus de temps à faire défiler celles qui sont maxées qu'à distribuer des cadeaux ... Et encore j'ai la chance d'avoir un "petit nombre" de haremettes ... Je ne sais même pas comment ceux qui en ont le double de moi peuvent supporter de passer du temps. (Apparté (/Apparté) Bref, revenons à ma suggestion (que j'ai eu déjà postée en anglais il me semble voilà quelques temps) : Avoir une option dans le shop pour masquer les filles maxées, ça serait tellement plus confortable, vous ne croyez pas ? Merci pour vos retours.
  12. sur mobile c'est vraiment beaucoup plus confortable d'installer l'application ... mais tu n'as peut être pas la possibilité de le faire ?
  13. D'accord avec Rocken sur ce point là. Même si je ne suis pas directement concerné car pas abo.
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