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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. Nice lvl there mate more than double of mine. I see you too collect boosters, I try to keep all 4 of them even or as close in each rarity class.
  2. I think that his 30 free starting day of the monthly card had expired and he most likely didn't figure out to collect one by one on the harem page.
  3. However, Devs! many times I wasted Kobans because the Harem button and collect all are too damn close when you are using a mobile phone. Just a thing to consider in the future.
  4. Collecting in one click Is a feature for Monthly Card Users. You can find it in the bottom center-ish of your screen. It does cost RL money, but is church change at 3€.
  5. Thanks, that was helpful. This is what I was looking for specifically: Each affection star adds 30% to the stats multiplier: multiply her [0 star stats] by 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 to obtain her stats with 1/2/3/4/5 stars, respectively.
  6. Nice man! Just maxed my stats too! On a topic of maxed stats, anyone has an idea what would be the stats for a maxed out Fairy at lvl 134, or if anyone can give me the increase per star I can calc it myself.
  7. I know, I was unlucky and didn't get her, It's as if the game is reading my mind, it gave me 2 legendary girls super easy, one was on my list (actually 2 were on my list if we count Fanny and Fione as two girls) but just won't give me the ones that I fancy and must have in my harem.
  8. Sees alternate version of Leeditt, Camping Leeditt... Now I'm jealous! She's among the few on my absolute wish list, Camping Leeditt, Levitya, Festival Solveig, Shao and Venam, the rest I don't care much about.
  9. So much truth. There is so much things beside girls to invest into, even we mid tier players can't afford at once (with only a monthly card or nothing), so the legendary most likely end up collecting dust at 0 affection given and some if any exp. There are also those like me, who are desperately trying to get the girls we fancy, for me the Maid duo, Hildr, Leeditt... sometimes you are unlucky and a second chance to get even the 3 star girls that won't even bother anyone in PvP is really appreciated. I jumped and was more happy when I got Leeditt than when I got Norou, despite her having unlimited time to get. To each his own, I guess.
  10. I don't see the problem in drops, sometime you win, sometime you loose. I got the Maids in my first 10 out of twenty combativity yet on the other hand, I couldn't get the Pikachu Solveig to save my life. She still is my top priority alongside Levitya, it gives me something to look forward to work for next time. I'm more concerned about PvP issues, but I'm not giving up, that's for losers. I managed to recover more than a half of my lost Mojo by diligently battling every half hour and like an ant bringing home crumble after crumble. It is far from perfect but is efficient. I also have opened my calculator and I'm crunching numbers (although, if close, like really close, it can go both ways).
  11. The game itself is fine, but then some of it's components are broken, I won't tell anything else so as to not go into debates. The point is, If I'm loosing to a fair, working and properly balanced system then I won't have any problem loosing, I'll tip my hat to the game/player/AI whatever and loose with pride with the burning desire of getting better and retry. I play several games and is the same old story everywhere. Devs are humans, but this is their job, and just as I have to get my ass up no matter what I'm doing when my boss calls me and actually be a foreman as it is expected of me, so they too need to get things done, not just delay, or give promises they never keep. They need to fix the problems as any technician would. Imagine electricians not giving a flying in a blackout? Anyways, this game is quite good, so I tend to be more emotionally involved if I see half assed, broken, unjust or such things, because I would like to see it working properly. A game should be equal in chances and opportunities for all (I know with money involved is harder said than done), that's what ruined modern sports too. And for your information, a RNG on a computer is anything but random, since as well as it can easily be 'fixed' every randomizing program have an actual script, a pattern for randomizing thing it follows, just as it was programmed to do, so I take RNG's with a grain of salt. So much about chance, it's all zeroes and ones!
  12. Thanks for the answer, now I'm more serene. I just have to keep an eye on the news and announcements and have kobans ready on hand.
  13. Yup, Edwarda just loves her girls and won' tlet them go so easily. I still didn't get a single regular/usual girl of the 3 from her, yet all bosses 'till Bremen are cleared and maxed out lvl. At least I always snatched her the event girl.
  14. Quick question that worries me. Why Levitya isn't on the list with the other non recruited girls in our Harem page? I swear she was there a couple of weeks ago. Does it mean she is discontinued or it is just a bug? Only legendary 5 star I miss, and my class to boot. Would be a shame if she's no longer obtainable and no alternative of equal or better stats is introduced.
  15. Thanks for the advice, Ben, unfortunately I don't have yet the funds to support stat upgrades, girl upkeep and pachinko at the same time. Hopefully I'll max out my stats in a day or maximum two, so I'll be able to redirect my resources, since I get all boss girls just an hour or so ago :). Guess force playing with minimum to no sleep from sunday paid off, except for Mojo.
  16. Got tanned Marina and tanned Tachibana in a span of 10 minutes or so, almost died of shock at the second one, Tachibana due to my poor luck lately.
  17. The big problem is gear. I checked a whole lot of player profiles, just to see what they are sporting and I found myself staring at the screen with mixed emotions, rage, sadness, envy, despair... How can people have not one lucky item, but all of them with better stats for tier at much lower level. No, they are not even event items sadly. Is the gear nerfed down teir/stat wise and few lucky SOB's are rocking old items with better stat per level or am I been uber unlucky (for my whole playing of the game)? The problem is also how slots affect where you can place a piece of equipment seeing there are 6 slots for specific type of gear. Couple it with a too big variable between stats per single leveled item and it's a recipe for a disaster. I rock (s)crap mostly because is the best that I found that I could equip, and I check often, even refresh the market often, play pachinko and all that jazz. My stats are nearly maxed, and that's by a very small margin which I'm about to by fix tomorrow. I need some charm stats, the rest is maxed for a while now. I also use boosters to compensate, more often than not several at once, but with the players who do the same have about same base (character+girls) stats, legendary gear finds like it's a bargaining sale is the factor that is tipping greatly in their favor. Balance gear ASAP and most of PVP issues will fix themselves as we level and shed the current gear. EDIT: Here is my gear, the lvl 96, 116 and 122 are the best I could equip so far stat wise after all possible calcs I did for given slots to this day. The 133 lvl Jpop doll is a laughable improvement of 14 stat points per 3 level increase from previous piece of gear from 984 to 998 stat points. The 129 suitcase is even sadder 3 point better than previous one 4 lvl higher, from 981 to 984. The eye pach is a 3 stat higher for one level higher than previous item from 994 to 997. just by the lvl 96 piece one can see I don't often get the chance for upgrading, and even if I do is so minuscule it barely even matters. Just look at the market pic below. To ad insult to injury is one of offers with the most epic items I saw there at once, the missing spot is the doll I have equipped. Too bad it just isn't enough to compete these days.
  18. Come on devs, what's with this mojo tiering, on top of some shady win by an opponent with ALL stats lower, loosing 31 mojo for possible 1 win when the whole concept is screwy! Not to mention the lvl difference for battling someone is too damn low, with meeting only the shady accounts that can magically beat me despite stats. The crap of equipment I get on the market is sad, lvl 133 and barely any purple, not one decent item over 1000 actually, I get several equal and lower at 3 or for level higher, even when refreshing it. As for girl drops, I just say lol trololol and keep it at that... Am I stuck in a RNG phase of ultra bad luck and have to expect things to improve DRAMATICALLY or is this the the sad reality? This is a game and I'm supposed to have FUN not get FRUSTRATED to the point of pulverizing my mouse, come on!
  19. It did a similar thing with my affection, I know I spent about 6500-7000 points in the last week run, yet it didn't show, at all, until this week run, but for the past week. I spent them on the last day, not the last ranking update. I don't have a screenshot sadly. it's not a big deal anyways.
  20. There is a weird bug going on from quite some time. I have 36 girls yet is counting 34, same with my EXP, it says 492K, yet I have 500+k. It often 'forgets' some of my Mojo as well as affection.
  21. Second boss from Edwarda is maxed out, yet she didn't drop a single girl to date. Not to mention I spend at least one Combativity point per day, it average at about 10-12 Combat. these days, even with the events, I at least duel her once per day. I'd say I dueled her the most with the worst results.
  22. Not even 20 combativity used and the Legendary Maido duo is brougt home.
  23. I used to collect even the cheapest starting weapons in many games all fully custom/god crafted or whichever term the game used which used credits to do. Then unique food and other consumables, some of which was worth a fortune as time passed(not that I ever sold my collection). The point is, collecting just girls is limiting, why not have more options? It could be a way to remember fun times with your Harem, it could serve for bragging rights. Not to mention is the possibility for the developers to earn extra cash. As I said, I'd pay for extra slots, even without any in game benefits except taking screenshots and bragging at my possessions, of course for a reasonable price.
  24. I meant the equipment you use for stat boosting, the ones such as the Bunny set or the latest Idol set. I know that for some people is meaningless, but there are players who like to collect random stuff. I also know that they are the same thing with a differently randomized stats and all that, but that's the point in collecting them.
  25. I'm new to the forum, so if a thread like this exists I apologize. I noticed the inventory is seriously lacking for the people that like to collect things, namely the unique Item sets. My inventory is getting cramped at this point, and I always have to equip, unequip many times to have them placed in order. Is there a chance for some kind of storage, repository or hell even a box for them? IDC if extra slots would cost kobans (if the price is reasonable) as long as I'd be able to store what I want to keep.
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