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Everything posted by 8=====>

  1. Seems the block was temporal now i can access HH. Could we please close the topic, thanks
  2. It seems that my IP address is blcoked / banned due large count of request so I think the server interpreted my activity as DoS attack or something similar So the question is my IP addresses are blocked temporary or it is permanent? I'm tried to spend 20 000 000 golds to the stats and this caused the problem)) So what we will do with this situation ? For now I can't visit the HH page from my IP only through VPN Server response If needed I could send my IP address for unblocking (this topic created from my IP)
  3. The same problem with me, it seems that our IP addresses are blcoked / banned due large count of request so the server think that we are DoS bots or somethink similar So the question is our IP addresses are blocked temporary or it is permanent? I'm tried to spend 20 000 000 golds to the stats and this caused the problem)) So what we will do with this situation ? Eh sorry I wrote to wrong topic my problem the same but on main server not on betatest T_T
  4. Never mind, it is no longer relevant, please close the topic
  5. When I saw special offer (1800 kobans for 4.99 euro) and try to buy it i was had a problem After i entered all my payment information and press confirm/buy I was see confirmation password input field (I was patiently wait but don’t receive it) and then I tried to retry to buy this offer, but unfortunately i was had not this special offers button anymore :(( It is so sad (
  6. I can just suggest to use CSS sprites at least for all UI icons (that will reduce all image requests 40-50+(on main page) to one request) and for each affection version for each girl in harem create sprite pairs of thumbnail and her large image (that will reduce image requests count by 2) Or if you don`t want to use CSS sprites you can look to any other JS library which provide similar functionality In general, this will reduce CPU utilization on client and server side, reduce requests count to server. Also you can minify your js, html, css files this will reduce traffic between client and server
  7. Hi, Can you please update this Girls Stats table (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GTm9aSX6yyg9ciUs8E6s_Ql3EwW8wiY6hc8c8mBnZ18/edit#gid=0) which you privide before. The table does not contain girls from last and current events
  8. Yeap I get it thanks for yours answers
  9. Hi, I am interesting is it the exact same girl which we can get from Daily Mission - Laverne and Dark Lord - Laverne? In news from Jun 1, 2018 says "Face off against the Prehistoric version of the Dark Lord to save the future version of Laverne" So maybe it is different girls?
  10. 25+- purple items and Norou doesn't want to drop T_T I`m also give up it is absolutely senselessly to spend kobans T_T Last 60 tries and 1 purple item and Norou don't want to show up T_T I believe even if i spend additional 100 euro it will not help me T_T it sucks Oh boys i decided to try another last-last 60 tries and finally i get that b..ch X_X But your backend developers should do something with this probability it is shame.
  11. 8=====>

    Ideas Main

    Hi, i also want to leave here my suggestion. For me it would be cool if in market we would be able to lock some equipment from selling it accidentally. (for example a small lock icon in an equipment icon. Sorry for Paint)))
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