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Everything posted by Sonico

  1. Was just thinking that the original Second Chance event comes nowhere near to covering all sorts of "background girls" we see on Daily missions, some event-related missions and so on. The Trip event in this September's Orgy Days has a cute museum guide appearing twice that i can't relate to any already existing girl, not to mention one mission related to Florence (a pink-haired big-tittied girl, not the city) for some examples. Also, are Jennie and Tachibana supposed to be sisters - like Hinata & Hanabi from Naruto, on whom they are respectively based - or is that just a "onee-sama" affectional usage or roleplaying thing in Jennie's sex scenes dialogue? Because while cited a few times, i just realized they have completely different surnames (Murakata & Yokumitsu, respectively), unlike Bunny and her sisters Hari & Rabbi. Truth be told, asking as an excuse for more ninja MILFs in the game more than anything. One can never have too many MILFs.... 😁
  2. Well, as long as they resolve it quickly - seems to be taking a little bit longer this time around.
  3. Just managed it too. Came here to warn people but you were quicker. 😋
  4. So, any signs of change or is it still the same mess for everybody?
  5. Having the same issue, with Hentai Clicker in particular. It has been between 8-10 hours since i last managed to log in into it. Every attempt i make results in a frozen "play for free" screen. Refresh helps with literally nothing.
  6. When i go fight Jackson's Crew Tier 2 the screen indicates there are no girls to be gained. Even though i haven't completed either Hanna or Riley. What the hell is going on that they won't appear?! Do i have to go back to Tier 1 to collect them, should they not be any Tier since they are not the Alpha of the Boss' harem?
  7. Wow, i had no idea whatsoever there was supposed to be a bonus for chat choice, just went with what phrases i liked more.
  8. And now with the "last update" of Super Hentai Clicker Sa-Lee, whose chats i had completed up to level 8, has dropped to level 1 again. Megumi went down too, though "only" from level 6 to 3. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS SHIT....
  9. Not yet, but considering we have at least 2-3 catgirls (Felicia, Vechta & maybe Felicia) among the harem girls, are ladies with cat eyes so surprising? Not to mention 3 elves or 2 cowgirls/minotaurs....
  10. Actually, the levels can be even more of a seesaw than that. Usually it's 4 posts for intro, after that, depending specific girl or stage it can require anywhere between 4-11 posts, though once or twice i have seen a stage unlock for less than its required number. Stage 1 seems to be the more expensive one for all girls, though there are exceptions like Vanessa or Felicia that tend to stick to a 5-6 average on all levels, with Wagyu-Chan being similar but slightly more expensive at an average of 7 per stage i guess. But yeah, taking a crapload of time just to recover eyecandy from girls already conquered long ago can be agravating, even without accounting for the headache of checking every 4-6 hours so your "post capacity" doesn't get full, what will lead to gaining no more posts and more hours of time-wasting. Oh, joy. 😩 And someone needs to tell the @$$#0!&$ programming this mess that changing the interval to 2 hours per post is not anything like a decent solution, quite the opposite in fact...😠
  11. You're luckier than most then, as it's apparently not the case with others and DEFINITELY NOT the case with me. Damn, i wasn't even remaxing anything when this bull$#!t started. Also having problems with the Daily Missions, that seem to refuse to start.
  12. Good to know - well, not really good since i have no idea of how much Mojo i'll get, but better than nothing i guess. Thanks.
  13. When i look at "Forge" it shows i get 0 mojo or skills points for remaxing. Skill points i'm not surprised since i transcended a few times, but why am i unable to gain Mojo?!
  14. As i said before when commenting on Bella and other new girls, it's a random chance, you are not automatically given them as before. Meaning you'll have to try again and again until either drops to you.
  15. Honestly, i hate Gacha with the burning hatred of a thousand suns - sacrificing a ridiculous ammount of Ryos in a gamble that rarely pays off, if ever. Much prefer to spend them in consumables to buy additional Affection, Kink Points or other stat increases. There are some girls spread amidst the 4 story chapters, most of the new ones are in chapter 3-4, though chapter 1 has a 4th "extra" girl, Bela, that i think is new. Except for Bela, the girls from each part can be seen in that thumbnail you click to enter a new story chapter. Better, let me just list them (mostly guesswork from dialogues, cameos & fights tied in each part of story mode, bolded the ones i got since the change): - Chapter 1: Mizuki, Bunny, Lyrsa (Estelle & Megane too). You may (it's a random chance, not automatic as before) get Bella at lvl 800+. - Chapter 2: Clara, Megumi, Spring (also Vanessa) - Chapter 3: Vaela, Ruuza, Wagyu-chan (not sure, hasn't seen the 3rd girl at all in the dialogues, but the blonde hair & horns seem to indicate it's her. That and the fact no 3rd girl dialogue appeared to me, implying it was one i already have. The Gem Kingdom guard from HH also makes a cameo) - Chapter 4: Demetria, Ithori, Mala So, if you don't have one of those ladies, just go back to the respective chapter and keep on playing. You don't even need to remax levels, just going back & forth between the chapters of your preference should suffice.
  16. Yeah, the old craft items are all gone and you repurchase them with mojo (that i have zero of atm). Not that i feel much of a need for, having maxed chapter levels to 1001 at most things seem to go pretty smoothy even with none. In fact i think the game has been almost stopped crashing since i got rid of my old items. Don't take my word for it, but thought i should mention that, atm at least, the Craft items seem completely unnecessary to play at current levels. I'm happy without all the junk, at least for now.
  17. Could be worse. You had 3/4, then system changes in your face while doing Clara's intro. You now got 0/4, those lost posts were NOT spent and your wait just went from 20 minutes to 4 hours. Definitely NOT amused with that one hours ago. But yeah, even though i'm a little salty with sudden changes with no benefit and without warning, i'll concede it's not such a huge deal. And i think i managed to collect all storyline girls - Ithori, Ruuza, Mala, Demetria, Vaela & now Bela - DAMN, that IS something positive for sure. In just one day, i think not even 12 hours, seriously, that's crazy awesome.
  18. I would say that Kinkoid posting something like a quick guide for the system & mechanic changes would be a very good thing to clear things up for all players. Of course that would require them owning their bull$#!t and to actually know what they are doing beforehand. The damn interval for "chat posts" has been changed two or three times and we haven't finished the first day even, seriously?!
  19. As HorneyBear pointed out, the interval was changed in the last few hours. The interval was just 5 minutes back when i made my first post. Obviously this change of interval with no compensation - like getting some free "chat posts" or increasing the maximum posts capacity from the ridiculous total of 4 - has not amused me, at all. Making us waste days just in recovering our old eye candy is not cool. Changing the damn mechanics again within 24 hours, with no f**king notice to players who are still trying to get used to them, even less cool. A little communication and respect can go a long way and those seem to be sorely lacking from Kinkoid's part at the moment.
  20. Considering the Shards/Frags have made catching a girl in HH into a grindfest and essentially impossible for a player to catch one in a single lucky drop unless you pay for them in the Pachinko, please anything but them. 😱
  21. What elf priestess, the dark-haired or the blonde one?
  22. Honestly, considering how much easier it has been in comparison to rising level in the old game, doesn't bother me that much. Damn, i got Ithori and Ruuza already. Two girls in the same day is CRAZY.... 😎
  23. I said in the sense of "calm down it ain't lost, it's still there and you'll reopen all your stuff in about an hour or two." I'm not a dev or anything, go throw your grievances at them. Just another player, telling people where to go to quickly find stuff that is NOT really lost. Recovering them is a matter of going to "Chats" and reopening one's stuff, that is still there. It ain't a fight to gain a new girl or one of those damned Grade challenges. Yes, Kinkoid could DEFINITELY have done the reset better, specially where it comes to informing the player base of what the heck is going on, but that's their fault, take it with them.
  24. Calm down. The photos & scenes can be unlocked again at the Chat function. It's quick & simple, use your replies to re-unlock them - every stage requires 5-10 "posts" to open fully. You should have a starting capacity of 4 posts, that are recharged at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes. Hope this helps you.
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