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Everything posted by Mr.S

  1. So it's been like 3 days? since the "update" dropped and somehow I'm more angry than before.
  2. You know at first you were supposed to upgrade from level 50 onwards because someone actually thought that was a good idea.... Aside from the problems caused by this new system many people more experienced than me posted here (Champions, PoP etc) I think what bothers me the most is the fact that these Gems came so late in this game life, after you've been leveling girls the old way for so long, it feels so out of place
  3. Buttering people up for this Godawful idea of an update.
  4. Hahaha this one gave me a good chuckle. So people are still really mad for obvious reasons, (I'm one of them) and like we expected the patch is going live anyway... Way to go guys, surely this won't make a bunch of people stop supporting the game.
  5. You know that's just what we love, less chances of getting girls with Orbs. Good job Kinkoid! /s Fuck this Gem update dude.
  6. Okaaay, Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was the worst idea I've ever seen. Not trying to be rude but the game is already grindy enough so please reconsider adding this if anyone at Kinkoid is reading even though it's already on the test server so we are basically fucked at this point
  7. Ultra Boring, Though I did like the idea of having sex with a Giant woman.... Gantz vibes or something
  8. I enjoyed Begin City, Gems Kingdom, Juy Sea, Admittance of the Dead, Plain of Rituals and currently enjoying Heroes University just wished it didn't take 21977 Energy to complete...
  9. I was about to post this exact same thing... I mean to be honest this sucks, even with that extra energy from the seasons it's gonna take a loong time
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