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  1. Hi all, Short Feedback from me about Places of Power, Nice idea to add new girls into the game. The rewards are OK. Would love to see an option to do like 2x the speed but around 20x power needed. Also due to the format i cannot start or finish Places of Power on my Phone (Galaxy S10), don't know if other devices have the same problem. It cuts off right below the Reward list. Maybe shift it to the top like you do in Tower of Fame Leagues. Best regards Nakimato
  2. Nakimato

    Ideas Main

    Hi all, now that we are in "World 3" could we get a "choose" your chapter option? So you could get directly to the chapter you want to go and catch up with your stuff. Best Regards Nakimato
  3. Nakimato

    Ideas Main

    Suggestion to buff the Villain Money/Reward System (if that would even be possible) I like the fact that event Girls are mostly on the earlier half of Villains so that even new Players got a chance to get them but I don't like the fact that the Villains always stay as weak as when you where at that point of the Story. And i personally find it a bit frustrating to go down from 29.5k per fight to 3.5k per fight just because an event girl is on an early Villain. My Idea is to let them get stronger after you progressed in the story. As Example: Now it is Dark Lord cap is level 30 then you go to the Ninja Village where the Ninja Spy caps at level 50, after that to Invaded Kingdom Gruntt cap level 70 and so on. New would be Dark Lord cap level 30 but as soon as you cap Ninja Spy at level 50, Dark Lord gains new cap level 50, as soon as you cap Gruntt at level 70, Dark Lord and Ninja Spy gain new cap level 70, Edwarda cap level 100 = Dark Lord, Ninja Spy and Gruntt new cap level 100 until Fredy Sih Roko Senseï cap 290 = everyone below him cap 290 (i exclude Karole because i don't know her max level and she doesn't reward money) With such a system New and Older Players would profit from more Money gain while still be able to get event Girls. And even when you don't get an event Girl you don't be that grumpy over the loss a lot of Money. Best regards Nakimato
  4. Hello together Yes i know another one with Girls don't drop and i know that there is a counter that every time you fight a Boss the possibility to get a Girl should get higher but that's my point. Could the Dev's please check the script on Finalmecia? I fought her well over 1000 times (if not even 2000, at least feels like that) and still did not drop even 1 of the 3 girls. I feel like i am on 1% chance to not get a Girl and hit it with 100% accuracy. As an additional note i also never got any Legendary Affinity Items from Finalmecia when they could drop. Thanks in advance Nakimato
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