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Everything posted by Ultifucker

  1. Don Fuckan, masochist mode activated. Smash me 😂
  2. "Each affection star adds 30% to the stats multiplier: multiply her [0 star stats] by 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 to obtain her stats with 1/2/3/4/5 stars, respectively. "Multiply her [level 1 stats] with her [current level] to obtain her current main/team stats". https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Bunny https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Bonny They have same base dmg (3,7) Bunny has 5☆, Bonny has 3☆ At level 400, Bunny has 3700. Bonnie has 2812
  3. Agree. Night mode is the best, black background and white letters
  4. I'd like suggest an option to reset (by, of course, a corresponding cost) all affection and levels of the haremettes. But only from high levels (I thought from 100). And all affection and levels would have to be bought again. To correct mistakes, like elevating experience rather than affection. Example: ** I have Norou, with 3 of affec. and zero level. ** I want her with maximum affec., before level upgrade. **Accidentally, I raise the level rather than her affec. ** Goodbye perfect plan 😂 ** Then, with the reset option, I make Norou return to her initial stage. Zero level and affec. ** I will have to buy all affect. and level updates again. ** If I am distracted enough to repeat this mistake, Kinkoid becomes (even more) millionaire. 😂😂😂
  5. Hapilly I'd give all my gold and kobans if I could buy the centaur-like lynx babe ❤❤❤
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