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  1. I completed hard mode labyrinth yesterday, but today I have 4 daily missions related to it
  2. about this in Classic Event, but applies too to Leg, Orgy or Epic days: "very small chance for a drop with 100 shards. This x100 drop seems to have a 0,1% chance. " When I had my (lost) old data I remember the chance for a x100 drop it was 1 drop for 3300-3400 battles, or 0,03% approx, my new data show 4/18005=0,022% but the sample is smaller, so I trust more the old number.
  3. is the image link this? https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/backgrounds/2200x/champions_map.jpg
  4. Excellent reaction from KK, and I must say that it has improved the mojo rewards, now the lower range is more in the 5-10 than in the previous 1-3.
  5. We can save a few teams of girls to use in different parts of the game or in different moments. Correspondingly, it would be useful having the possibility of saving a few sets of hero equipment, for example to match with different teams of girls, or to weaken if you don't want to finish your champions too early. Same for girl equipment.
  6. It seems in my +/-1000 mojo span there are just 9 players within -25/+15 levels, and only one has more mojo than me, unfortunately he is very strong so my win chance is under 50% and I cannot fight him under risk of losing the small mojo gained from the other players 😭. Edit: I don't usually complain about this, because is a personal decision, but, why don't more people use the weakening team strategy in season, is a win/win situation, when you are not atacking, you put a weak team so it is easier for other players, and in the end benefits you because weaker players climb in the rankings allowing you to get easy mojo. Edit2: The old pairing used a wider level range, you could get players 40-50 levels apart so it gave more chance to get players around your mojo, reducing the level difference makes that more difficult so you end up with more extreme options: very low or very high.
  7. The 10% drop rate was correct, and backed by data (mine and other players too in the old thread I update every month) for many years, but two years ago it changed without warning, the same way it changed the 8,0-8,5% EPx1 about that same time and since then is around 4%.
  8. I am completely enraged now. 🤬 I have played 200 season battles and won barely 500 mojo winning 99% of them!!! It is worst than I initially expected. 90% ot the opponents award just 1, 2, or 3 mojo, and the few that offer you more than 20 are usually so strong that you end losing enough times for it not being worth. How are we supposed to reach 11500 points for the second girl of season? In the previous system, you could win around 150-200 points every 10 battles if you won 90% of them, so you could reach that point with natural regeneration, now you will need 5000+ battles. Illogical, where are we supposed to get so many kisses? And that not counting the time to perform so many battles ... It is now broken beyond nightmare. And I am still asking myself why, but why had they the "brilliant" idea of "improving" something that was working. To solve a problem of 1% of players stuck in a bad bubble of opponents, now they have done that to most of the players. Really ridiculous.
  9. I think you should modify the drop rates saying something like this: in CE, OD, LD: "Drop rate WAS initially 10% but it was later changed to a lower chance, estimated in 8.5% approx." In MD: "The drop rate of Mythic girls is estimated to be around 6.5%" If you need some data to back those claims: CE,OD,LD, 1507 drops in 18005 battles, 8.37% Mythic Days, 908 drops in 14114 battles, 6,43%
  10. could it be this? edit: if I clear filters in harem it changes to
  11. It is the new "improved" matchmaking that makes gaining mojo a snail race.
  12. In any case it is important to highlight that Lively Scenes event will always be better than DP.
  13. Good 3rd place in comix harem league
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