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jelom last won the day on November 23 2024

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  1. I think Mellinara comments hit the spot when he said that the parody must keep the physical characteristics of the girls, and yes, some times keeping a character petite body and tits can help with recognizing and identifying the parody with the source.
  2. I hope that you are right and there is the possibility to complete all options when replaying the scroll again.
  3. I needed only 20 shards, but no problem to win the 100 fights.
  4. @karxan, well, with not so many girls added to comix harem, it seems KK decided not to give us the option to get many girls at once.
  5. No screenshot of the league this week, but a good result anyway.
  6. please, show us a screenshot with the problem
  7. Drop rates for this month Mythic days (january 2025) Event Ninja Spy, Navel Kira , 1048 battles, 56 drops (5,34%), 100 shards, 4 SP used Return to the pantheon (january 2025) classic event Finalmecia, Libra Bunny, 259 battles, 20 drops (7,72%), 102 shards Donatien, Rebel Lupa, 244 battles, 20 drops (8,20%), 104 shards Legendary days (january 2025) event Ninja Spy, Stella, 503 battles, 54 drops (10,74%), 100 shards
  8. you can assign girls in this way 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 1-50 a minimum of 1 girl and a maximum of 50 girls for each place of power.
  9. It is not clear what the each word means?
  10. You can assign up to 50 girls to each PoP
  11. Tougher bracket this week in league
  12. My usual 5th place. Nothing to comment, I did play as always, no AME, and permanent team.
  13. It started the 4th, so ranking resets on 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 28th
  14. Pues más claro no puede estar, solo lee lo que pone en las instrucciones, o bien les pasas el enlace para que lo abran en su navegador, o les pasas tu ID del juego y que lo introduzcan en el campo correspondiente de la pantalla de configuracion.
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