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Everything posted by Ruby150

  1. 50k every 12 hours... last I checked, that adds up to 100k... or can I not do basic math? Also, really not appreciating the rudeness in your response.
  2. Well, if we look at the math, 24/2=12. 12*9k=108k. In comparison to the 100k we would get from the previous Mythic Days, so in a way, you have a chance to get more every day. And considering how the Mythic Days usually goes, this isn't really surprising... people would go through 50k in a half hour, because that isn't enough for the player base.
  3. So the way it works is if you don't have 50 combativity, it'll make you spend kobans to bring you up to 50, then makes you spend more (though at a slightly discounted price) to do the 50 battles.
  4. So the reason it's 9k shards is because they upped the frequency to 2 hours, rather than 12... so in reality, we actually are getting more shards over the course of the day, than we were... and the odds of getting shards will always be pretty bad, in a MD
  5. Well, when they stopped working on Hentai Clicker, they said they'd add all the girls you could get into Hentai Heroes... and that included Finalmecia, so... not exactly.
  6. Yeah, I'm also gunning for her... and the dating tokens I'm getting from trying to obtain her are going towards unlocking Bunna, so I'll get two mythics from this event.
  7. Wrong subforum for that, my dude.
  8. It's RNG... same as their main game. Lotta people got upset about that change. And it's... I think like a 10% chance of them dropping? If you don't get them, just reset the chapter, and try again.
  9. Not unless they pick the game back up... that'd be a suggestion for if they pick it up, next year
  10. So as a late game player, I've got quite a few girls in my harem... would it be possible to add a filter like there is for the harem to updating your team? It gets frustrating reorganizing your girls, when you have to scroll very slowly, just to find your next strongest girl. Either filter by class, or by girl rarity, or something. Also: could we get the dating tokens to show how many we have when we scroll over them? It's inconvenient to have to go to the Harem just to find out how many you have, considering you can scroll over the Attraction that you gain, and the game just tells you.
  11. Right, forgot that was a thing... still, the mix of hair color reminds me of Neo
  12. Does Penda look like Neo, from RWBY, to anyone else? Or is that just me, because of the hair?
  13. Yeah... had that been fixed, the refresh timer would be the way to go. Reducing the timer by 20% gives you 50 extra affection per day... compared to the 40 you'd get from upping the daily limit, ASSUMING that the bug was no longer exploitable
  14. ... But you COULD finish two skill trees. Had I not started working down the third tree, I'd have gotten two trees done, with only a single perk in the third one.
  15. Pretty much, yeah... but since they aren't updating, that means we can grind out the perks, without fear of them adding events that are either too hard, or too broken.
  16. Pretty self-explanatory. Just looking at the Digisekai gives me a headache. You've got a pile of quests all bunched together, and just looking at them, after you're done with that world, you have no clue what's supposed to come next. Either start putting numbers in the quest name, or put like a path on it, that shows how the story is supposed to progress.
  17. Well, there's also the girls you're using... remember: each girl will have different stats, so some will do better, some will do worse.
  18. So this has been raised a number of times... the way you answer determines what bonus you get. Answer aggressively? You're going to get Hardcore... Answer knowledge, or ask questions? You're going to get Know-how, more likely than not. Answer charismatically? You're going to get Charm.
  19. Last one they did was for the alien, Ti'Tee... and that was a while ago... guess that aren't making enough money off this game to make new events. Obviously my opinion...
  20. And since that was three months ago, that goes to show where their priorities are...
  21. And the fact that the first day, everyone's fighting for the shards, and they're exhausted within thirty minutes... because that makes GREAT gameplay...
  22. Exc Multiplier means excitement, which is just your power... sorry I couldn't answer, until now, the forum likes to sign me out, and not let me back in for a few days.
  23. I was having that issue... until I realized what happened. For whatever reason, it was overlapping pieces, then it'd shove them into completely different spots than where my cursor was... it was very annoying, but I was able to get her, this morning
  24. No... this variant has always been buggy as shit, sadly... we've complained and complained and complained, but they don't listen, sadly.
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