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Everything posted by Mr.Goodfellow

  1. Thanks for the info. I didn't realize the benefit dissipated so much the higher you get in level - that seems like a wasted opportunity. i would think that the more girls you have and the more that are at higher level, the greater benefit you would get. I would also think the Devs would want this as it only only encourages people to get more girls and spend money (real money too on kobans to get in-game money and girls) in order to keep the max benefit for PvP, Leagues, and etc. I am level 185 (not far behind you) and I have not had any issues with the contests or keeping my entire harem (60 girls) at max level until about lvl 180 due to only common and rare books dropping in the market and the girls requiring more XP per level. I still think legendary books are a good idea, but I now do see why the community is not clamoring for them. What a shame. Thanks.
  2. That I understand, but I wouldn't call it not useful to keep your harem leveled. You still level up during the contest time (typically several times) and you can still come in first by giving your harem XP while keeping all of them at max level. I've been doing that for 180 levels now and getting the kobans. Except now, it's hard to keep anyone leveled up due the many girls in my harem now and only getting common and rare books in the market. So there really is no reason to not have legendary books as well. and to have the common and rare books disappear out of the market as you get higher in level.
  3. How is it not useful? harem level increases your performance, doesn't it?
  4. I am glad the common gear disappears from the market at the upper levels, but there needs to be an increase in the drop rate of legendary gear. Right now, I've only seen legendary gear in the market twice since I've been playing (7 months now). But as someone pointed out above... affection items in the market become only epic and legendary at a certain level... gear (and books) need to do the same - get rid of the common and rare and just have epic and legendary as you get higher in level. (I know there are no legendary books, but that needs to be added in too.)
  5. Agreed. We need legendary books/tomes/encyclopedias! With the increase in XP and energy we are now getting, we are leveling up faster but cannot keep our girls leveled up - especially as we add more and more to our harems from events and getting the elusive common girls from villains that didn't drop previously. It would not be game-breaking to have these legendary books. And as the Op mentioned, they would be priced accordingly to purchase.
  6. Agreed, any use on a cell phone is extremely difficult due to the tiny size. Being able to magnify, or scale up the screen so we can see and accurately press the hot spots would be very helpful.
  7. Keeping the math that others have explained aside.... Just know that affection and level are 2 different systems that contribute to your girls' overall performance. You actually want to level them both up and you can do it together without there being any downside - and you should level them together! So when you "accidentally" leveled up Norou before getting her to 5 star affection - that was NOT a mistake - that was GOOD! She performs better now. So requesting a reset button for affection and levels so you can start over with the girl to increase one independently of the other makes absolutely no sense at all. Now perhaps, a reset button where you get all the affection and XP as credits (or a portion of them as "payment" for the reset) so you can transfer that affection or XP to another girl... that would be something useful. That way, when you get that 5-star legendary girl in your specialty, you can take the affection and XP from girls you've leveled up who are not in your specialty to give to that new girl. ...But then again, you take away a girl's affection and she just might leave your harem!!
  8. Decided on a "what the hell" refill and bam! Maleva finally dropped on the last fight.
  9. Oh yeah... Ninja spy... not Gruntt.
  10. It's a miracle!! Edwarda FINALLY dropped Lilith. Now.... back to Gruntt once more for Maleva. He was being stubborn early on and i switched to Edwarda on day 4. I just hate that i'm earning 1/5th the money I could be earning while fighting him.
  11. Mr.Goodfellow

    Ideas Main

    With the increase in xp and energy, we're now leveling faster than the market can provide us with equipment or books for our girls. This contributes to a horrible PvP and League experience. Currently, the best place for gear (outside Epic Pachinko which is too expensive - I still have yet to get enough kobans to play) is Great Pachinko - thank you for adding legendary gear to it! it was helpful in the lower levels. However, now that we're getting higher in level, it's harder to get those needed single stat legendaries as it takes many many many rolls to get them and Great Pachinko has become too expensive in the higher levels - especially since we're earning less comparatively due to fighting lower level villains during event after event after event. Better balance is needed.... Suggestions: 1. Please increase the appearance rate of legendary items in the market as we get higher in level - similar to what you've done with gifts. I'm level 183 and playing for about 7 months - I've only seen legendary equipment in the market twice. Whenever I lose a battle, I'm faced with suggestions on how to improve stats - like buying gear.... but it's no good if all i see are common and rare gear in the market. Common and rare gifts have disappeared from my market inventory as I've leveled up.... now, the same needs to be done for gear and books.... 2. Please increase the appearance of rare and epic books in the market. I've never seen a legendary book and not sure if they exist in the game, but it would be good to add those in as well. Again, phase out the common and rare books/mags as you get higher in level like you do with the gifts. 3. Either decrease the cost of Great Pachinko so we can try to get better gear more often - and have greater chance to get single stat legendary gear.... OR.... provide us with an alternate revenue stream during events so we can continue to fight the lower level villains for event girls and continue to keep up with the leveling. Perhaps maybe our Harem rewards double money during events?? - maybe it's the girls' way of making sure we don't "forget" them while we chase after other girls?? 4. We're outleveling villains and not even getting them to their max level before we leave their world. Perhaps have them increase in their levels faster too? This would also give us the opportunity to get their max monetary yield prior to moving on to the next world which would help in paying for the expensive gear and books in the market and we can get another spin on Great Pachinko.
  12. I had no issue with Silvanus. He dropped all 3 girls before I left the zone. However, Gruntt refused to drop Miss Spook until a recent event (and i'm 5 worlds past him). Donatien only gave me 1 while I was there - he finally dropped the other 2 right before giving me Golden Bunny last month. Bremen still has 1 and Finalmecia hasn't dropped anyone yet and I'm almost done with that world. I am scared of my chances to get anything from Fredy in the last world.
  13. I like the story in Magic Forest - like DHarry, i thought it was funny too. I like it a lot more than Admittance of the Dead - I didn't like the talking to a giant phallus with a face - but whatever. I'm not into pegging, but I'm also not the person in the story - neither are you or anyone else - so it's no big deal being in the story. There's no reason to get so upset over this that you have to cuss at people. And you want rape? Technically, the hero was raped by Fairy. There ya go. And all the complaining about pegging.... no one seems to care that the Ninja Spy was pegged by a monster - and by multiple tentacles at that!
  14. Agreed. Had good luck with Golden Bunny, but none since. GB was critical for me since I'm HC and I don't really need Maleva and Lilith since they're KH... but still... I like to have them in my Harem. There's still another week, so hopefully, *fingers-crossed* at least one of the girls will drop.
  15. I don't know about that. I still cannot get a level 179 Epic single stat that can beat my lvl 126 Legendary single stat - that's a 50 lvl difference too. But glad to see you are getting legendaries in the market more often. I check with every 8 hr refresh and have only had 2 in 6 months.
  16. So you have bought all 6 pieces of single stat Legendary Gear from the market? ....not saying you didn't, just trying to confirm frequency of drops in market.
  17. Nutaku version being the original -- Oh, ok! I thought I read elsewhere the opposite. I agree that a single stat legendary to appear in market would be rare. But, if Legendary Gear were showing up in the market consistently (or at least more frequently) there would be a chance that single stat gear would and at least a small chance that it would be the one you need. Right now, it'll just never happen. I think this is an area that the Devs could fix to allow these rare chances to exist without "breaking" the game. Especially if they are going to suggest when you lose a fight to go to the market and buy gear (and even show a picture of the market with a Legendary piece of gear there)!
  18. How often do you see legendary gear at all (even rainbow)?
  19. Just curious if it's my bad luck or if others experience this as well. I've been playing since May 2018 (~6 months) and am level 179 HC on Nutaku (found it before I knew of the original here). And in this time of playing, I've only seen legendary equipment show up in the market 2 times. Legendary gifts appear all the time now that I am higher level. But never any Legendary Equipment. Do others have this same experience? It's really difficult getting single stat HC Legendary Equipment here in the upper levels. For a while, around level 100, it was awesome when they added Legendary equipment to Great Pachinko as it was more affordable then and you were earning enough to play a few times and increase the chance of getting single stat gear. But now, Great Pachinko is so expensive and you earn less - especially when trying for event girls from lower level villains - that you can't get the gear needed to survive in the arena or do anything decent in Leagues. I still have gear that is lvl 126! I got a new piece at 172 and it added about 500 points and several thousands points of ego. I figure that if all my gear was relatively new, I could have about 15000 more ego overall. Then to make it worse, at every loss when they flash "buy gear in the market" as a way to improve, it is insult to injury since legendary gear (rainbow or single stat) doesn't really drop in the market. I'd be fine with rainbow gear showing up - it would mean there's a chance that single stat would appear. But right now.... no purple gear at all. Or again... is this just my bad luck and others are seeing legendary gear in the market more often?
  20. Op, I feel your pain. I typically go 2-3 events without any girls dropping. I got lucky that Golden Bunny dropped this time. The other legendary events, I couldn't get any of the girls no matter what. Golden Bunny is the first legendary girl i've been able to get. But yeah, it's really frustrating when you spend real money and still get nothing.
  21. Supposedly, Event girls have a better drop rate, but i think i heard somewhere that legendary girls do not get the event drop rate boost?? Can someone confirm?? And I was missing 2 of the troll girls too and Donatien dropped both of them before he dropped Golden Bunny. Lola dropped around 50-60 attempts and the Pelagie dropped around 200 and Golden Bunny around 240.
  22. I feel your pain. As mentioned above, this is also the case with the other specialties. With HC... Bunny is top until you get Fairy. Levitya (Legendary) was the only other 5 star that topped them until they just released Justine (Rare) a few weeks ago. HC just got lucky with the release of Golden Bunny, but I suspect more legendaries for Charm and KH are on the way too. But actually.... Charm has more 5-star girls overall (9 total) than HC (8) or KH (6).... And as you mentioned, Charm has rare Metal Noemy and epic Summer Geekette.... HC has NO epic 5-star and KH has NO rare 5-star.... so Charm is actually sitting better than the other specialties in this regards. KH is really hurting for 5-star girls.
  23. I cannot speak for the person you all are replying to, but they may not be as lucky as you. I'm certainly not. Waiting and using my free battles is what I usually do. Did that with the last 2 legendary events. However, on last day of events when i still hadn't received any girl drops, I used all my kobans and still no drop. Then events ended and there was no more time left to even buy kobans and continue. I ended up with nothing after both events. Missing out on Levitya REALLY hurts as it's difficult to keep up in PvP and League. I was not going to let that happen for this event so i spent most of my kobans upfront this time knowing I had time to earn or buy more if my bad luck continued to strike again. This time, it paid off after about 240 fights and Golden Bunny dropped (and Lola and Pelagie who also had been eluding me). Well worth the koban expenditure (to me) and now I won't be stressed out at the last minute trying to race the clock for this much needed girl. Glad you all are typically so lucky. Me... not so much.
  24. That's my normal approach. But I missed out on Levitya and the other legendary girls because I waited and slowly used free battles as they came. Time ran out and none of the girls dropped. I wasn't about to let that happen again with Bunny (she's in my top favorites too). So I decided to use my kobans tonight until I got her or ran out - and then deal with tomorrow if she didn't drop. You may have better overall luck than I do.... the random number generator seems to hate me, so I wasn't going to risk it this time.
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