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Everything posted by Cursed666

  1. @test_anon No. If you are at the boss that you cant pass with your current dps, changing to another tab will let you pass that boss, and more. Just by leaving game running in the background. I think it depends on browser load, but what I found was its basicly like up to x10 more dps.
  2. Set up game so I cannot pass 300 stage boss. Left it running for ~2h. Got to 340 stage. So skip chance works no matter if you have enough dps to defeat, and no matter if its pass min stage to reset. Still, If I just switched to another tab I would get further, so its worthless skill anyway.
  3. @GeorgeMTO Since kinkoid hasnt given any announcements here about test server, nor asked for feedback: Is there any point in giving it here? Does Magrat read this forum? Or should I just stick with discord for that?
  4. I didn't complain about it, I said I just afk though this. You are the one that claims it gives 'satisfaction' for watching go through all those early stages effortlessly, which some might call not a game but 'merely an animation'. Consider not leveling up skip chance craft in the future, so you might get more 'satisfaction'. You're a funny dude. I'm done talking to you. Bye.
  5. There is theory that bug prevents you from getting anything from that free gatcha spin if you dont have at least 9k ryos on you. Just used timer, 10min to get to 9400 stage. So if any1 is 'being dishonest' here, its You. Unless you have 99,9% chance to skip a stage till 7800 which maybe would cut the time to 3mins. I didnt bother with going over 50% skip chance
  6. Thats a good question. I don't know, kinda like this one, and I'm not hating changes they make either. But the point is that You Complain how they 'killed the fun' bckz its like you start at 12k stage, either though that is already a thing in the main game basicly, you just idle you way for 10 mins and voilà. So maybe a better question is: why do you play this game? Wouldnt you rather play a game where to get to stage 13k you have to click at least 13k times?
  7. Here is some data for you if you are interested Yes, this screams 'FUN!'. -.-
  8. Because? Because that first 12k are so fun to play? You already start basicly at 10k with all the min level after reset we got. This 'kills the fun' also? Would you rather click your way through those 10000 stages? Good question, I'll try to check that out. But I suspect that maybe it only skips bosses that you would pass anyway with your idle? Meaning, cant retry anyways. This is simply wrong, thats not how new update works at all. You didnt even take your time to check how things work.
  9. transcend unlocks at 290 stage of chapter 2 Start new test acc > go as far as you can with reward craft at lvl1 > notice how far you can go and how hard/easy it is Then dump lots of mojo into reward craft and notice the diffrence. I think your feelings will change.
  10. Agreed, all x1-x9 girls having exact same skin shade looks weird. As does same posture over and over again. Why not mix current girls with update girls? We like variety ppl!
  11. Might be. Confirmation on this would be nice.
  12. True, but you loose all your crafts when this update goes live anyway. Along with kinkpoints and mojo. (Edit: also all enhancement items, used and unused) Thats at least what happened on my test account that I played since april or so.
  13. yes, you do get reward for skiped girls. No way to get rid of unwanted crafts till big update comes live.
  14. Afraid of wipe (bckz reset of progress is gonna be a feature now) that removes all our unlocked girls also
  15. Created suggestion to make Mojo Ring guaranteed unlock, to prevent stupid 'have to grind for 20+crafts bckz of crappy RNG' @LanceHardwood @Allen5_19 @JAVhero @LustingThoughtfully @MMCr
  16. Mojo Ring is simply most important craft to unlock for events, I easily make 6x more mojo after unlocking it vs before that. So I suggest having fixed position for its unlock, like you made click/reward/idle crafts as 1st 2nd and 3rd, so should be with MR being 4th, or 10th, or even 20th. Having to grind my ass to unlock MR as 25th+ craft is just unreasonable and not fun at all.
  17. ? No, you want idle-to click. You can use click-to-idle, but that's more for help to grind that Mojo Ring.
  18. Probly. And on top of that 26th and 27th crafts are idle crit chance and value, not getting which hindered my Lyka performance. I guess it still could get worse if 26th was STS and 27th was Mojo Ring....
  19. Spent 50B mojo this morning to finally get Mojo Ring. Event is done now.
  20. Pretty sure thats how everyone does it. Im wondering: that 13minutes till max stage run - are you leveling up Felicia or Keira for this? And how long it takes with the other girl?
  21. Mojo ring does nothing for your idle 'dmg'. It just gives massive click. And 'click game' I play is basicly: come to PC every 40 minutes and do mad clicking for 1min20sec. Last post made me realize I had easier time grinding mojo with just Idle Felicia, then I have with Lyka Click-to-Idle. Maybe I am overvaluing usefulness of click girls + STS...
  22. No wonder you cant finish an event. Although 13min max stage without MR sounds kinda impressive, so maybe I dont know what Im talking about. This is my 'before last' push. I didnt had MR at this point. Used Felicia idle to get there (dont have click girl on test server). After getting those 138B mojo got MR as 23rd craft for 24B mojo. dumped rest into it. And right after that I went for my last run: Basicly +200 levels in half the time.
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