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Everything posted by Cursed666

  1. Im back to being confused about enhancements. My min girl level is 8995 (purposefully). And I Got Sabrina to x15 enhancement. Most of time after reset I get 13,94 G9. But sometimes, after leveling up Sabrina before reset, it jumps to +100G9, and then drops back to 13,94 G9 after stage 500. And sometimes its stays 13,94 all the way regardless of leveling up Sabrina.
  2. You want: Click, HC/KH/CH Click, Chance to do critical idle and Increase critical value of idle. You dont want: Idle, HC/KH/CH Idle, Chance to do critical on click, Increase critical value of click and perks like Combo 7th click multiplier. And its opposite for ppl who go with Idle-to-Click converter 😜
  3. I wonder if you actually checked that, or are you just assuming? Did you try for example: -spending 10 min after reset just leveling Bunny -spending 10 min after reset just leveling Mizuki -spending 10 min after reset leveling both of them? Also: If you have crafts that convert idle-to-click or click-to-idle this basicly turns Bunny into click girl, and Mizuki into idle girl (if crafts are leveled high enough).
  4. It wouldnt be amazing, it would suck. It would mean we have to get through even more crappy crafts before we can unlock the good stuff in events.
  5. Its either only Felicia or only Keira actually. ;p You got Click to Idle converter, which is great and you should only lvl Keira. But I see your click charms are lvl 1 - this means Keira cant do her thing, get them up to ~150lvl. This should be enough to finish.
  6. 5 games and 2 girls. What other way would you propose? I mean it would be nice to have free gacha game once per week or smth, but it would still be luck based. @cotemarcel@cgocable.ca Im sure rolls and girls stats are sufficient, no need to post ss of your rewards.
  7. I don't have Abrael, but acording to wiki she is just a shadow of Keira. Also: dont waste Yemens on leveling reward girls. I also didn't had converter, and here is my experience: I used event to get my affection in the morning, then went as far as I could with Felicia. Got to 3180 till evening. Next day I continued, got to 3300 before I reset in the evening. At this point I needed to use buff two times to get to next boss (1st time Mojo Energizer + Flirt, +Sweat on 2nd time). After reset finally got click to idle converter, and after getting my affection and raising all the click crafts I got back to 3300 in 2 hours. It really is ridiculous how dependant on converter event is.
  8. Right, so its exactly 1 month since release of enhance items, and during this whole time I got 1, literaly ONE mojo candy. Serves me right for not bitchin how bad it is to get them, meanwhile I see ppl on discord braging they maxed 2 girls -.- That weird drop in Sabrinas bonus after 'hard reset' seems to be fixed, or at least I can't replicate it anymore. That drop between 500>501 now is moved to 499>501 Oo
  9. Just curious: what place? I spent ~~12k kobans on mythic pachinko just a day before this event started. Got 25 shards of girl I wanted + 50 and 75 shards of 2 other girls + avatars and xp books or whatever. Also spent 72 orbs on that same day, got nothing but avatars and xp books. So really, I wanna know how would you spend 7,2k kobans better then guaranteed girl + bunch of more or less useful stuff.
  10. Well, its common that you can pass a girl with clicks and have dialog stay there. Did you have Mojo Forged Robot? Idle only starts after you are done with dialog, so its weird(er) if you went through without clicking
  11. Is there a reason why I cant see what class are those girls and what stats they have? Unlike any other event.
  12. Its impossible to predict. Focus idle/reward crafts, hope for good craft unlock later, like Titcoin and Mojo Ring. Actually grind mojo for crafts daily. Meanwhile try to get as high as possible in the office, unlocking Felicia at 7000 would help alot.
  13. Im not sure which charms you mean, having enhancement x18 on top idle/click girl should be as valuable as having x18 idle/click multiplier, well just a bit less actually. AFAIK each multiplier perk gives exactly what it states. x10 is always this good, no matter how many earlier multipliers you have. On other hand crafts/contacts that give +Xk% reward/idle/click will give less and less the higher you get. So no, I dont think that the way Combos work is obvious, it works different then any other mechanic in game as far as I can tell. I agree it is useful, just not as useful as pure idle perk of same value. And its still a thread about perk priority, so I dont know why I shouldn't compare perks. Thats the whole point. You might not want to, and obviously you dont need to, but others might find it helpful, and I quite like doing this. 😜
  14. if you first get Kelinas 7 clicks combo x8 you pretty much get equivalent of idle x2 perk (assuming you are using idle > click conversion, and actually clicking ;p) Then getting 7 clicks combo x9 is ~5,6x idle perk Another 7 clicks combo x9 is ~8,38 idle perk Then 7 clicks combo x7 on felina is like ~6,94x idle perk. So the more you get of them, the closer they get to 1:1 idle perks. But getting one alone doesn't give that much benefit.
  15. Its possible if person starts playing right after waking up. But still: it makes 2nd puzzle event as bad for NZ players, as 1st one was for me. Bad as in 'have to be on your toes, bending sleep time for the game'
  16. Im guessing if some1 plays from New Zealand, puzzle event starting at 2 am (?) could rly f up chances for getting girl for free...
  17. Umm no, its 1,1 times normal amount so +10%. Then its +20%, +50%, +100%, +150%.
  18. I was wondering about idle vs reward perks priority, and since getting perks takes too much time for testing, I guess it can be substituted with craft levels. Tests where done like this: start 10min timer and reset game at same time, get Estelle to ~500 and then just spam Bunnys level up. Take note of stage achieved every minute. 1st test, both idle and reward crafts at +100% (efectively working like x2 perks): Minute Stage 1 590 2 950 3 1100 4 1200 5 1265 6 1320 7 1360 8 1400 9 1430 10 1457 2nd test, idle craft 10900% reward craft 100% (efectively x110 and x2 from perks): Minute Stage achieved 1 600 2 1180 3 1500 4 1650 5 1745 6 1813 7 1867 8 1910 9 1945 10 1977 3rd test, both crafts at 10900% (x110 perks efectively): Minute Stage 1 600 2 1200 3 1800 4 2250 5 2430 6 2530 7 2610 8 2665 9 2710 10 2750 Further testing should be done, but it seems that Reward perks should give more benefit then Idle perks. I encourage others to test this, if not in regular game then at least in upcoming event.
  19. Right, you can do whatever you want (like everyone else) but its just not most optimal way to go with perks, nor is it good advice for those in early/mid game. Its actually 7min 12s (you have to count 0:00 on affection counter also) making you full whole 2 minutes earlier. 😜 Also it gives 100 affection in exactly 12 hours.
  20. Right, I guess having 3x reward crit 99,9% of a time also makes the value of Bonus less significant. I still don't have any Boss Reward multipliers to check, but if they dont affect Stocking Investments/Bonus value on boss stages then yeah, it kinda sucks. Just curious: do you have all Reward multipliers? How much do they add up to in stat info window?
  21. I don't have any of +20 max affection (like Vanessa), but I assume its only beneficial to ppl who cant log in once in 12h window to use up their affection. And if you are going for Elysa 3rd perk for instance, which costs 6300 affection (assuming you already have 2nd perk), it wont start reaping you benefits until you do those 630 daily resets after getting her, and thats like 21 months.... From my calculations: Springs 5x reward is still better then Bearys 12x boss reward. And I dont agree that you should always go for most powerful perks first. There is affection cost to consider also (which you can check here http://itstickers.besthw.net/en/hentai-clicker-wiki/ ) For instance: Spring 5x costs 5250 + Kimberley 10x costs 4500 Is both better and cheaper then Troyana 15x costing 10800 affection So making a comprehensive guide would be load of work. Just take a look whats available to you, compare multipliers and costs, then choose.
  22. To be fair: you do get your daily affection also, which might be useful to some1 that is trying to beat his wall. Not that I use any of those.
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