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  1. @Varnart Girls can not grow in affection on their own. The level of affection can only be raised by giving gifts to the girls which will increase the amount of money they can create. ..in the entire time playing this game i did not see it happen any other way. If there are other ways to raise or even grow affection please fell free to correct me..^^
  2. it would be nice for the players to have an option to collect only once a day. The amount what each girl can create per hour we already can see in our harem if we look up each girl. ..but this will only happen when hell freezes over... because it ruins the the way of "earning" money for the developers because many players use kobans to collect the harem money. @ natstar I think you missunderstood Varnart. If i understand what he wrote correctly then he only had the goal to collect all his girls in a range from 45 minutes up to 3 hours at the same time. In this case the time ist constant but the amount of money which each girl can create is not as we can see when we look each girl up in our harem. ...and Natstar (sigh)..a word of advice for your writing technique: Please use sentences which are not an entire paragraph long because in this forum are many people which are not native speakers / writers. Overlong sentences are very confusing and will lead to missunderstandings.
  3. @natstar i am reffering to the event reward which i did not get until 20 minutes ago and not the mission reward. Obviously someone had a bad consience or maybe there was a bug. The choice is yours...
  4. @ natstar there is another way you did not think of..if there is no way to accept anything you can not accept it. always remember that bugs can come in all different ways, shapes and sizes..^^
  5. @ ZenMaster ..of course ! That was my first thing this morning but nothing and the mission-screen was already in a normal state..will say not a single trace of any christmas activity !
  6. then there IS a bug..i did all 7 missions for christmas and got nothing !
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